November 14, 2015

Cuomo Nixes Port Ambrose, Proposed Natural Gas Terminal Off Jones Beach

Fears terminal could cause an environmental catastrophe or become a terrorist target
By Ellen Yan, Newsday, November 12, 2015

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo Thursday killed a 3-year-old proposal to build a liquefied natural gas terminal 19 miles off Jones Beach …

August 31, 2015

Call to Stop the Constitution Pipeline!

Call Governor Cuomo Wednesday, September 2, or any day this week, at 877-235-6537, to stop the “Constitution” pipeline.

It’s important that we keep the pressure on NY Governor Cuomo and the DEC this week to Stop The Pipeline!

Let Albany

July 2, 2015

NY State Officially Prohibits High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing

DEC Issues Findings Statement Concluding Extensive 7-Year Review

The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today officially prohibited high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) in New York State by issuing its formal Findings Statement, completing the state’s seven-year review of this …

May 2, 2015

NYS to Make Fracking Ban Official, Not Permanent

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s fracking ban may be more of a freeze
By Scott Waldman, Capital, April 29, 2015

NYS DEC Commissioner Martens interview on Capitol Pressroom with Susan Arbetter: The first questions he was asked were about the finalization of

April 1, 2015

NY Court: Drilling Leases Expired Despite State Ban

The NY moratorium on fracking doesn’t allow energy companies to extend leases with landowners beyond the expiration dates in their contracts
By Michael Virtanen, Associated Press, March 31, 2015

It seems that this was a decision based on interpretation of

March 14, 2015

NYC Residents: Is There Radon in Your Kitchen?

Radon Test Kit 2Until recently, the gas used in the New York City area had relatively low levels of radon. This started changing in late 2013 when gas from the Marcellus shale gas areas of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio started flowing into

December 23, 2014

Season's Greetings – A Poem

In the dark of winter,
I heard mighty roar,
Our upstate paradise was saved
Fracking is no more.

The solstice will lengthen the day
Gas flaring can go away
My tap water will not burn and flicker
The landsmen face …

December 17, 2014

Cuomo to Ban Fracking in NY State, Citing Health Risks

Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker says: “I cannot support high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the great state of New York”
By James Gerken, The Huffington Post, December 17, 2014

The New York Times reports: “The Cuomo administration announced Wednesday that

August 6, 2014

Cuomo's Fracking Investment Scandal

Documents indicate top advisors have conflicts of interest
By #NYFrackingScandal

More information

FOIL documents indicate that Larry Schwartz, Secretary to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and one of the governor’s closest advisors, has a conflict of interest due to his stock …

August 4, 2014

Leaked Documents Show Fracking Concerns

NY county health departments prepare reports on the burden natural-gas drilling could place on their operations and express concerns about the state’s ongoing review of hydraulic fracturing
Jon Campbell, Stargazette, July 1, 2014

Download the documents. Note: These documents are

July 31, 2014

Renewable Heat NY Funds 18 Woody Biomass Projects

Gov. Cuomo has announced 18 projects that will receive funding to help install high-efficiency, low-emission wood-fired heating equipment
By Anna Simet, Biomass Magazine February 18, 2014

Promptly implementing New York’s recently introduced Renewable Heat NY, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has announced …

July 15, 2014

NYS Judge Dismisses Lawsuits Challenging Fracking Delay

Judge dismisses a pair of lawsuits that sought to force Gov. Cuomo to decide whether to authorize shale-gas drilling in NY
By Jon Campbell, Politics on the Hudson, July 14, 2014

Download the Court decision as a pdf

A state …

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