By TU Editorial Board,, April 18, 2014
Eighteen months after the New York State Health Department began studying the …
Eighteen months after the New York State Health Department began studying the …
A consultant hired by the state Health Department to assist in a review of the health effects of fracking recently published a study that …
The expansion of crude oil processing at the Hudson River Port of Albany, which has become a hub for rail shipments of …
December 19, 2013
Kevin Burke
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
Consolidated Edison Company of New York
4 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003
Dear Mr. Burke:
The New Jersey-New York …
According to state disclosure records, the American Petroleum Institute spent at least $503,903
…More information from Riverkeeper here
Despite a moratorium on fracking in New York State, more than …
Come to the event “Shale Gas Potential in New York” October 30 at 7 pm
A major rock fault cuts through the cluster of old salt wells …
Click on this link to send a letter to Senator Gillibrand demanding that she help the community of Minisink!! Minisink familes traveled a long distance with very young kids to come into the city and let her know that we …
A decision about hydrofracking in New York has been delayed mostly because of the well-organized opposition of anti-drilling advocacy groups, state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman …
A4 Saturday June 22, 2013 / The Leader
I agree with Sen. Tom O’Mara. In his commentary in this paper on June 17 he favors legislation which would “put an end to the unfunded state …