The New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) has sent a letter to New York State Governor Cuomo urging him to reject the Revised Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (dSGEIS) due to a conflict of interest on the part …
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By TU Editorial Board,, March 26, 2013
Our opinion: The Legislature should pass a moratorium on fracking while multiple studies are under way.
Whether …
This VIDEO is from the Fleased Forum on Gas Lease Termination, held in Norwich, NY on March 14, 2013. It is rather long, but very informative. The presentation by attorney Joe Heath on Gas Lease Termination starts at the …
A Quinnipiac University poll released March 20, 2013 shows statewide opposition to fracking is growing. The new poll finds opponents outnumbering supporters …
By The Associated Press, March 19, 2013
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A third upstate New York town has won a court challenge to its ban on natural gas …
Cornell Press Release.
New York’s fossil fuel: Gone with the wind … water and sun
By Blaine Friedlander
You’ll really love New York. Converting all of the state’s energy sources from natural gas, coal and fossil fuel to wind, water …
This document makes a very important point, which is that any moratorium period should be devoted not only to studying health impacts, but also the economic impact issues.
Statement from Elected Officials to Protect NY on NYS Assembly Fracking Moratorium
…By Alison Rose Levy, Connect the Dots, Feb. 13, 2013
Alison Rose Levy speaks with two guests: Dr. Larysa Dyrszka, MD of Concerned Health Professionals of New York, a group that calls for a …
By Jon Campbell, Politics on the Hudson, Feb. 12, 2013
The state’s top health regulator on Tuesday signaled he would need more time to complete his review …
Refuses to Release Scientific Reports that Proposed HVHF Regulations are Premised Upon
As the DEC and Governor Cuomo contemplate their next step in the ongoing sham of a fracking review process, the DEC continues to refuse to release the scientific …
From our coalition, New Yorkers Against Fracking: CALL-IN WEEK to Governor Cuomo.
Damascus Citizens is a working member of New Yorkers Against Fracking.
CLICK HERE to download the poster below as a pdf.
CLICK HERE to download an alternate poster …
By Sandra Steingraber, EcoWatch, Jan. 27, 2013
You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result. — Mahatma Gandhi
1. I am writing you from …