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By Alison Rose Levy, AlterNet, Sept. 19, 2012
Governor Andrew Cuomo appears to have hit the pause button on once-imminent plans to
The dismissal of information from all but industry was the subject of the public hearing Tony Avella organized at NYC Council in July — its YouTube is on the DCS …
On August 4th, more than 280 local elected officials from 34 counties across New York State called on Governor Cuomo to continue the fracking moratorium and to do additional study before a …
by Nicholas Kusnetz, The Nation, Sept. 12, 2012
On a hot and breezy August morning, more than 1,000 …
By Dusty Horwitt, and Thomas Cluderay, Environmental Working Group, Sept. 2012
As New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo nears a decision …
Amid reports that a decision on fracking in New York …
Willow, New York, July 17 – Today Earthworks’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project (OGAP) released a new report, NYS DEC: …
A story in the New York Times on June 13 seems to confirm the rumors we’ve been hearing for the past several weeks. Sometime this summer the Cuomo Administration will begin issuing shale gas drilling permits in areas of five …
By Danny Hakim, The New York Times, June 19, 2012
ALBANY — A coalition of environmental groups plans to campaign against a proposal that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is weighing to …
Another victory for our side. As predicted, Tom West’s “smoking gun” legislative history memo does NOT change the court’s decision – communities may use zoning to ban fracking. – Helen Holden Slottje
In its decision, the New York State Supreme …