Residents of Battlement Mesa, a sprawling housing development in western Colorado, are used to seeing the golf course from their windows, not gas rigs. But when an energy company announced plans to start drilling inside …
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But EPA administrator says it’s no guarantee more regulation ahead
JENNIFER A. DLOUHY, Houston Chronicle
WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency is close to launching a broad study on hydraulic fracturing, but the probe doesn’t …
Drilling companies injected more than 32 million gallons of fluids containing diesel into the ground during hydraulic fracturing operations from 2005 to 2009, according to federal lawmakers, but the industry says the practice was legal.
In …
Environmentalists are squaring off against the gas drilling industry, but the playing field does not appear to be level.
Over the past decade, 34 states have succumbed to the hazardous and largely unregulated hydraulic fracturing (widely known …
When Lycoming County implemented its zoning ordinance in 1991, the Marcellus Shale wasn’t even a blip on its radar screen.
Now it almost covers the entire screen and the zoning ordinance is being updated accordingly.
On …
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Scientific and political disputes over drilling Marcellus shale for natural gas have focused primarily on the environmental effects of pumping millions of gallons of water and chemicals deep underground to blast through rocks to …
The Environmental Protection Agency has begun public hearings in Binghamton, New York on hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a controversial technique that mining companies use to extract natural gas from rock formations thousands of feet underground. The hearings …
Dimock, Pennsylvania (CNN) — Bill Ely walked into his chicken coop with an empty five-gallon water jug.
The jug, punched with several finger-sized holes near the top to keep it from overflowing, was …
Early on a spring morning in the town of Damascus, in northeastern Pennsylvania, the fog on the Delaware River rises to form a mist that hangs above the tree-covered hills on either side. A buzzard swoops …
Texas Environmental Agency Accused of Lax Monitoring, Lack of Transparency
On a carved-out hillside beside Tandy Hills , one of the last undisturbed prairies in eastern Fort Worth, sits a gas drilling site belonging to …
If you don’t have a college degree, it’s the best job in the West. Unless you die, unnoticed.
Ray Ring, High Country News“You’re going to obtain a job. You have to maintain a job,” a Wyoming judge told Joe …