News Stories

June 18, 2011

Health Secretary Wants Tabs on Shale: Seeks More Resources to See if Gas Drilling Poses a Health Risk

By Laura Olson, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Bureau

HARRISBURG — The state’s top health official said Friday that his agency needs resources to create a registry for tracking whether spikes in illnesses could be related to shale gas drilling.

That request by …

June 13, 2011

Worst Drought in More Than a Century Strikes Texas Oil Boom

By Joe Carroll, Bloomberg News

The worst Texas drought since record-keeping began 116 years ago may crimp an oil and natural- gas drilling boom as government officials ration water supplies crucial to energy exploration.

In the hardest-hit areas, water-management districts …

June 9, 2011

New York State Sues Federal Government to Protect Watershed


Demand For Fracking Study In Delaware River Basin Has Been Ignored
Even Though Drilling Would Affect NY Watershed And Portions Of 8 New York Counties
Feds Abandon Legally Required

June 3, 2011

South African Government Announces National Moratorium on Hydraulic Fracturing

SUCCESS! A Fracking Moratorium in South Africa.

A Grass-Roots Effort

South Africa Takes the Cautionary Approach

When the South African government recently announced a national moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial, water-intense and polluting method of extracting natural …

May 10, 2011

Duke University: Scientific Proof Drilling/Fracking Contaminates Water


Scientific Study Links Flammable Drinking Water to Fracking

For the first time, a peer-reviewed scientific study has linked gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing with a pattern of drinking water contamination so severe that some faucets can …

May 6, 2011

Report: hundreds of gas wells drilled near schools, hospitals

BY LAURA LEGERE, Scranton Times-Tribune

A state environmental group is calling on lawmakers to restrict natural gas drilling near places people live, learn and work after it released a study Thursday showing hundreds of wells have been planned or drilled …

May 5, 2011

Obama forms panel to improve fracking safety

WASHINGTON | (Reuters)

After a series of high-profile natural gas drilling spills, the Energy Department named a panel to recommend ways to improve the safety of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a technique that has expanded the country’s potential …

May 4, 2011

Pa. Well Blowout Tests Natural Gas Industry on Voluntary Fracking Disclosure

By MIKE SORAGHAN of New York Times Greenwire

Chesapeake Energy Corp., whose gas well blew out during hydraulic fracturing last month in northeastern Pennsylvania, hasn’t publicly disclosed chemicals that spilled, setting up the first test of an industry-backed voluntary disclosure …

April 11, 2011

Studies Say Natural Gas Has Its Own Environmental Problems

By TOM ZELLER Jr., New York Times

Even as natural gas production in the United States increases and Washington gives it a warm embrace as a crucial component of America’s energy future, two coming studies try to poke holes in …

February 26, 2011

Regulation Is Lax for Water from Gas Wells

By Ian Urbina, New York Times

The American landscape is dotted with hundreds of thousands of new wells and drilling rigs, as the country scrambles to tap into this century’s gold rush — for natural gas. The gas has always …

February 10, 2011

Groups File Federal Lawsuit Against Delaware River Basin Commission

Federal Lawsuit Filed by Partnership of Organizations …

Groups File Federal Gas Drilling Lawsuit against DRBC; Delaware River Basin Commission Served Notice; Federal Circut Judge Assigned to Case – [Court Date To Be Announced]:  Honorable Anne E. Thompson.

United States

February 3, 2011

EPA close to launching hydraulic fracturing study

Fracturing to get close look
But EPA administrator says it’s no guarantee more regulation ahead
JENNIFER A. DLOUHY, Houston Chronicle

WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency is close to launching a broad study on hydraulic fracturing, but the probe doesn’t …

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