June 18, 2011

PA Wants Gas Drilling Illness Database

The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register

Registry would be first of its kind in nation

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – Gov. Tom Corbett’s top health adviser said Friday that he wants to make Pennsylvania the first state to create a registry to …

April 28, 2011

Federal EPA Demands Answers from Chesapeake Energy on Well Blowout in Bradford County Last Week

Chesapeake Energy has successfully replaced a wellhead that was defective and had caused a blowout with fracking fluid escaping from a well in Leroy Township near Canton in Bradford County, PA last week. Over a two day period, fracking fluid …

April 20, 2011

Chesapeake Well in Bradford County, PA has Blowout; Chesapeake Temporarily Stops All Drilling Until Cause is Known

Chesapeake Energy experienced a blowout at a well being drilled near Canton in Bradford County, PA on Tuesday at 11:45 pm. A blowout occurs when the pressure systems fail and results (in this case) in drilling fracking fluids escaping in …

April 20, 2011

Drilling fluid gushes from natural gas well in Bradford County

Michael Rubinkam, Associated Press

ALLENTOWN — A blowout at a natural gas well in rural northern Pennsylvania spilled thousands of gallons of chemical-laced water today, contaminating a stream and forcing the evacuation of seven families who live nearby as crews …

March 30, 2011

Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment

University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health

Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment Inc., Josephine Facility:

Implications for Disposal of Oil and Gas Flowback Fluids from Brine Treatment Plants by Conrad D. Volz et al

EPA Hydraulic …

March 7, 2011

EPA Investigates PA DEP

Shawn Garvin, Regional Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

To: Michael Krancer
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

Dear Secretary Krancer:

The natural gas industry in Pennsylvania has grown with remarkable speed as the development ofthe Marcellus Shale proceeds. Natural …

November 16, 2010

How Many Water Supplies Have Been Impacted by Gas Drilling?

How many water supplies have been impacted by gas drilling? Pa. doesn’t keep count
By Laura Legere (Staff Writer), The Times-tribune, November 14, 2010

Strengthened oil and gas regulations to be considered by a state review board this week will …

October 19, 2010


A Dream Dashed by the Rush on Gas. Exploring the promise and challenge of a new energy supply.
Marianne Lavelle, National Geographic News, October 17, 2010

Chris and Stephanie Hallowich say they tried to choose carefully when they were seeking …

August 11, 2010

PA Broke Law on Natgas Water Use: Group

Pennsylvania broke law on natgas water use: group
By Jon Hurdle, Reuters, Mon Aug 9, 2010 2:48pm EDT

PHILADELPHIA, Aug 9 (Reuters) – Pennsylvania regulators are illegally allowing natural gas companies to withdraw water from rivers and streams for use …

August 3, 2010

Report: Well drilling violations near 1,500 for Marcellus Shale

Report: Well drilling violations near 1,500 for Marcellus Shale
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A new report by the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association said the state has identified 1,435 violations by 43 Marcellus Shale drilling companies since January 2008, prompting …

July 25, 2010

Forum Discusses Gas Industry Money Impact on State Politics

Forum discusses gas industry money impact on state politics
By Charles Schillinger (Staff Writer), The Times-Tribune, July 23, 2010

A hundred people gasped in anger and shock as Dimock Twp. resident Craig Sautner raised a milk jug of his brown …

July 16, 2010

Investigation Confirms PA Fracking Well Blowout Was Easily Preventable, Potentially Catastrophic

Investigation Confirms Pennsylvania Fracking Well Blowout Was Easily Preventable, Potentially Catastrophic
By Mike Ludwig, t r u t h o u t, Wednesday 14 July 2010

Pennsylvanians are wondering if their state could become the next environmental ground zero after …

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