May 6, 2021

Skinners Falls Bridge Comment Period Extended

From PennDOT (via email), regarding the Skinners Falls Bridge Project: “Please note that due to the significant public response to the public meeting and survey, the survey response deadline has been extended to June 1, 2021.” PennDOT also stated: “We …

April 28, 2021

The Skinners Falls Bridge Speaks – Will PennDOT Listen?

The beautiful Skinners Falls Bridge tells us about her long life connecting NY and PA, her relationship with historic Milanville, PA and her hopes for the future (as transcribed by Colleen Rizzo).

April 10, 2021

I am the Skinners …

April 26, 2021

Skinners Falls Bridge Comments Coming In – Have YOU Made Yours?

As the word gets out about PennDOT’s Skinners Falls Bridge project, people have been getting their comments in to PennDOT. Some sample comments are shown below.

The deadline for making comments is now June 1, 2021.
See PennDOT’s sign at

April 15, 2021

Ed Wesely’s Comment to PennDOT on the Skinners Falls Bridge

Ed Wesely lived in Damascus, PA for 30 years and has a deep reverence for the history and beauty of the Upper Delaware River Valley. You can feel his passion for preserving the Skinners Falls Bridge in the following comment

April 14, 2021

YOU Can Be a Consulting Party for the Skinners Falls Bridge Project

Click the Become Consulting Party button to apply to be a consulting party on the Skinners Falls Bridge project.

If you have any problems with your application email Heather Gerling MA (, the PennDOT Cultural Resources Professional who is

April 13, 2021

Why DCS is Getting Involved in the Skinners Falls Bridge Issue

Why is DCS is getting involved with the Milanville – Skinners Falls Bridge project?

Your comments by April 30 can help persuade PennDOT to rehabilitate the historic Skinners Falls Bridge.

Let’s go back to why Damascus Citizens for Sustainability was …

March 7, 2021

Fracking: The Stress of Being Surrounded

Jane Worthington moved her grandkids to protect them from oil and gas wells—but it didn’t work. In US fracking communities, the industry’s pervasiveness causes social strain and mental health problems
By Kristina Marusic, Environmental Health News, March 1, 2021


March 2, 2021

Harmful Chemicals and Unknowns Haunt Pennsylvanians Surrounded by Fracking

We tested families in fracking country for harmful chemicals and revealed unexplained exposures, sick children, and a family’s “dream life” upended
By Kristina Marusic, Environmental Health News, March 1, 2021

This is part 1 of our 4-part series, “Fractured,

January 17, 2021

Environmental Groups Fight Lawsuit by PA GOP to Overturn Fracking Moratorium

For Immediate Release

January 15, 2021

B. Arrindell, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability,

Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper,

Wes Gillingham, Catskill Mountainkeeper,

Jeff Tittel, Director, New Jersey Sierra Club,

Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey,

October 12, 2020

Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA

70% of those polled said they supported regulations to reduce CO2 pollution from power plants in PA
By Richard W. Jones, Centre Daily Times, October 11, 2020

The bill to block PA from regulating carbon – and thus block PA

September 11, 2020

Poll Says Pennsylvanians Support More Regulations on Fracking

Poll was commissioned by Climate Power 2020 and the League of Conservation Voters
By Ryan Deto, Pittsburgh City Paper, September 2, 2020

Download the poll results as a pdf.

Politically speaking, the discussion around fracking in Pennsylvania lacks nuance. Fracking …

August 31, 2020

DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information

This year’s election is extremely important and so is your vote. In light of this, DCS will be posting information on early and mail in voting for the 4 Delaware River Basin states: Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

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