July 17, 2014

Oil and Gas Well Leaks in PA – A Risk Analysis


Casing and cement impairment in oil and gas wells can lead to methane migration into the atmosphere and/or into underground sources of drinking water. An analysis of 75,505 compliance reports for 41,381 conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells …

July 14, 2014

Expert: PA Didn't Address Fracking Health Impacts

Former health secretary says PA has failed to seriously study the potential health impacts of fracking
By Kevin Begos, The Associated Press, July 12, 2014

Pennsylvania’s former health secretary says the state has failed to seriously study the potential health …

July 5, 2014

Letter of Dr. Paulson to PA-DEP on Fracking Impacts on Children

No evidence to indicate that unconventional natural gas extraction can be implemented with a minimum of risk to human health
By Duane Nichols, Frack Check WV, July 2, 2014

Download the letter as a pdf

To: E. Christopher Abruzzo, Secretary, …

June 15, 2014

Criminal Charges Filed Against Waste Disposal Company and Owner

Pa DEP says it was unaware of leaking contaminants
By John Beauge, The Patriot-News, June 9, 2014

DCS: This is what goes on everywhere there is drilling – there is no manifesting of the wastes so disposal is on the

June 7, 2014

Corbett's Own Witness Lukewarm to More Gas Leasing in State Forests and Parks

It’s bad when your own witness doesn’t really support you, and that was Governor Tom Corbett’s case in Commonwealth Court
By Donald Gilliland, The Patriot-News, June 3, 2014

Frack WellIt’s bad when your own witness doesn’t really support you, and that …

May 2, 2014

Petition to Protect PA School Kids from Fracking

Please sign, and pass along, this petition to stop unconventional gas drilling 1/2 mile from 3,200 school children (you can be anywhere)

Protect PA School Kids

Add your name to this petition by MASD Parent Group:

PA DEP Secretary E Christopher Abruzzo, Pennsylvania

April 4, 2014

Weak Records Cited on PA Shale Pollution

Violations often go unrecorded or publicly reported
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 3, 2014

Even when pollution discharges from shale gas well pads and impoundments contaminate private water supplies, those violations often go unrecorded or publicly reported by state …

December 20, 2013

PA Supreme Court Strikes Down Controversial Portions of Act 13

The court held that portions of the law dealing with restrictions on local zoning violate Pennsylvania’s constitution
By Marie Cusick, StateImpact, December 19, 2013

Read the entire Court decision here
Read the amicus brief opposing Act 13, prepared in part

October 4, 2013

Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Found in PA Stream

Study finds radioactive wastewater being released into the Pittsburgh watershed
By smithsonian.com, October 2, 1013

In the state of Pennsylvania, home to the lucrative Marcellus Shale formation, 74 facilities treat wastewater from the process of hydraulic fracturing (a.k.a. “fracking”) …

September 28, 2013

Opposition to PA HB 1576 Grows

PFSC, Trout Unlimited, PennFuture, Sierra and PennEnvironment join Game Commission and Fish Commission in Opposing  HB 1576

PFSC, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs*, spoke out loud and clear at the 9/17 hearing on

September 22, 2013

PA Senate Bill 1100: A Moratorium on New Permits for Fracking

PA Senator Jim Ferlo (D-Pittsburgh) announces the introduction of Senate Bill 1100: a moratorium on issuing new permits for hydraulic fracturing
Press Release, September 18, 2013

Pennsylvania residents, write or call your state representatives and tell them to support the

July 20, 2013

Fracktivists Celebrate Cancellation of Gas Leases in NE PA

Unprecedented mass lease cancellation occurs near homes of some of fractivism’s most effective mobilizers
By Alison Rose Levy, AlterNet, July 19, 2013

Certain powerful images really stick with you when you watch Gasland or Gasland 2. First is the shot …

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