Political Influence

April 13, 2014

Sponsor Kills Oil Pipeline Bill

Colorado Rep. may file ethics complaint against lobbyist
By By Marianne Goodland, Journal-Advocate, April 5, 2014

The Colorado House voted to kill Senate Bill 14-093, which would have granted eminent domain rights to oil pipeline companies. The House’s action came …

December 30, 2013

What the EPA Hoped You'd Miss This Holiday Season

From the Community Environmental Defense Council

Wondering if you missed anything while busy with the holidays? Well, the EPA was sure hoping you would! You may recall that the EPA has engaged in a number of flip-flops in its attempts …

December 9, 2013

Fracking Industry Out-Lobbies Opponents, Still Loses Ground

If the fracking industry is losing ground to opponents in New York, it’s not for lack of spending on lobbyists
By Scott Waldman, Capital, December 6, 2013

According to state disclosure records, the American Petroleum Institute spent at least $503,903

November 13, 2013

Dents, holes, flaws in Keystone XL with startup weeks away

Steve Horn on desmogblog.org posts on structural problems found in the Keystone XL pipeline only a few weeks before it is scheduled to start pumping bitumen — with its load of toxins — as reported by a Public Citizen report.…

November 12, 2013

Frackers Caught Up In Their Own Hype

Energy industry looks to government to save profits
By Betsey Piette, Workers World, November 10, 2013

For nearly a decade, the natural gas industry has drained valuable water resources, poisoned the land with dangerous chemicals, released radiation into water supplies …

September 4, 2013

Gas Driller Freezes Plans in UK

Gas Driller Freezes Plans in Rural Britain After Fracking Protests
Published: September 3, 2013 at 3:01 PM ET

LONDON — Oil exploration at a site in rural England that sparked anti-fracking protests two weeks ago will be put …

August 10, 2013

Censored EPA PA Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published

DeSmogBlog Publishes Censored Power Point Presentation
By Steve Horn, desmogblog.com, August 5, 2013

DeSmogBlog has obtained a copy of an Obama Administration Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fracking groundwater contamination PowerPoint presentation describing a then-forthcoming study’s findings in Dimock, Pennsylvania.

The …

July 20, 2013

Gen. Petraeus and "Frackademia"

Gen. David Petraeus’ Course Syllabus Features “Frackademia” Readings
By Steve Horn, desmogblog.com, July 18, 2013

Records obtained by DeSmogBlog pertaining to City University of New York (CUNY) Macaulay Honors College’s hiring of former head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) …

July 17, 2013

PA Lawmakers Seek To Ban Photography Of Gas Drilling Activity

PA HB683 would make it illegal to photograph images of gas drilling operations

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but apparently it says a lot more when it’s a photo of frackers fracking. In Pennsylvania recently, the battle

July 5, 2013

Polish Farmers Blocking Chevron

Polish Farmers from Zorawlow Oppose Fracking

Since June 3, farmers and residents in a small rural village of Zurawlow in Poland are in a stand-off with Chevron company. They defend their land, their activity and their way of living. They …

June 13, 2013

A Conversation with Josh Fox

Josh Fox discusses his new documentary, Gasland 2
By Chris Potter, Pittsburgh City Paper, June 12, 2013

Josh FoxJosh Fox’s 2010 debut film, Gasland, is best known for the image of homeowners setting their own tapwater on fire. And with

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