May 20, 2019

Environmental Leaders Applaud Delaware River Governors

Press Statement From the Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition

The Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition, comprised of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Clean Water Action NJ, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, Delaware Sierra Club, Environment New Jersey, Food and …

September 11, 2018

Secret Chemicals Used in Fracking

Download the Report as a pdf.
Read more about the report online.
Download this Media Advisory as a pdf.
See below for an Executive Summary of the Report

MEDIA ADVISORY: September 11, 2018

NEW REPORT: Secret Chemicals Used in

June 13, 2018

Against Fracking in the DRB and the Proposed PennEast Pipeline

People Stand United Against Fracking and
the Proposed PennEast Pipeline

Delaware River Basin Commission Public Meeting June 13
Download the full Press Release as a pdf
See below for some of the comments submitted to the DRBC

West Trenton, NJ

April 12, 2018

More than 40,000 Comments Support a Complete Fracking Ban in the Delaware River Basin

DRBC Release Misleads Public with Underreported Comment Numbers

Download the full press release as a pdf

National environmental organizations, anti-fracking groups, community organizations, and residents announced today that their members had submitted at least 40,000 comments to the Delaware River

December 1, 2017

Fracking Ban Proposed for Delaware River Basin

DRBC cites “significant risks”
By Jon Hurdle, StateImpact, November 30, 2017

Download the DCS press release as a pdf.

The Delaware River Basin Commission on Thursday proposed a ban on fracking for natural gas in the basin.

The interstate regulator

January 26, 2017

Methane Plumes Downwind of Natural Gas Compressor Stations

Here we present in situ measurements of ambient methane concentrations near multiple natural gas compressor stations in NY and PA
By Bryce F. Payne Jr, Robert Ackley, A. Paige Wicker, Zacariah L. Hildenbrand, Doug D. Carlton Jr, Kevin A. Schug,
October 10, 2015

Fracking Industry Wells Associated With Premature Birth

Study: Increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes closer to active unconventional natural gas wells
By Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, October 8, 2015

Expectant mothers who live near active natural gas wells operated by the fracking industry in

July 15, 2015

NYC Moves to Power 100% of City Government From Renewables

RFI Aims to Identify New Generation Capacity to Reach Ambitious Goal of 100% Renewable Energy

Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a Request for Information to identify new renewable energy generation capacity, with a goal of powering 100 percent of …

July 2, 2015

NY State Officially Prohibits High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing

DEC Issues Findings Statement Concluding Extensive 7-Year Review

The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today officially prohibited high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) in New York State by issuing its formal Findings Statement, completing the state’s seven-year review of this …

March 16, 2015

Economics and International Trends Sour Shell’s Taste for South African Shale Gas

It’s high time that the negative aspects around shale gas as a technology came home to roost
By Jonathan Deal, Treasure Karoo Action Group, March 15, 2015

Read more on this story.

The news that Royal Dutch Shell and possibly …

August 10, 2014

Results of Town of Delaware Methane Testing to be Announced

Press Release: Test first of its kind in New York State

Download the Town of Delaware Methane Baseline Report as a pdf.
See the Video of the public meeting.
See short version of the Video of the public meeting.


July 13, 2014

Health Professionals Release Major Scientific Document on Fracking

Concerned Health Professionals of NY releases a major new compilation of the risks and harms of fracking
By Concerned Health Professionals of New York, July 10, 2014

Download the 3rd edition of the Report as a pdf
Health Impacts of

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