July 10, 2024

Campaign for a Safe and Healthy CA Scores Big Win Against Big Oil

After Spending $61 Million in a Failed Effort to Deceive Voters, Big Oil Withdraws Referendum in Defeat

THIS is a big deal! California health and environmental activists got a law passed in 2022 whose implementation was blocked by Big Oil

January 27, 2024

Biden Hits Pause on Natural Gas Projects Amid Plans for Carbon ‘Mega Bombs’

Pause on pending export permits is hailed by environmental groups, and could imperil projects along Gulf of Mexico coast
By Oliver Milman, The Guardian, January 26, 2024

Though there are 8 more LNG facilities that are permitted and not yet

January 10, 2024

Should Toxic Gas Drilling Waste Be Spread on PA Roads?

Should toxic wastewater from gas drilling be spread on PA roads as a dust and snow suppressant? Members of a gas industry advisory council would like the Department of Environmental Protection to consider the practice. The DEP has yet to
December 27, 2023

NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act

DCS was an active part of getting the New York Birds and Bees Protection Act passed and signed. DCS was part of the brainstorming and activism for this act, including filing comments on the various drafts, encouraging people to sign

November 14, 2023

DCS Comments at Nov. 13 DRBC Hearing on Rule Changes

I made the comments below at the Nov.13 DRBC hearing on its proposed rule changes. YOU can submit written comments from now until Nov. 30. PLEASE DO SO. The proposed rule changes will have a negative impact on our environment

November 7, 2023

Say NO to DRBC Rule Changes that Threaten Public Input

Fight for Open Government!

Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Rule Changes Threaten Public Input on Environmental Impacts

Proposed Rulemaking to shut down public disclosure and participation in the decisions that the DRBC makes regarding the Delaware River, the Delaware River

July 29, 2023

DCS Opposes Proposed Injection Well in Fayette Co., PA

UPDATE (8/7/23): G2 STEM LLC has withdrawn its application for this injection well permit!

Read background information in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

DCS has submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency opposing the issuance of a permit for an injection …

May 14, 2023

When We Need a Lawyer to Get the Job Done

When we need a lawyer to get the job done.

DCS has worked with some excellent environmental attorneys over the years, the latest being Lauren Williams, to keep fracking out of the Delaware River Basin. Together, with your support,

May 13, 2023

How Niggling About a Definition Kept Poison Out of Your Backyard

What’s in a name? How niggling about a definition kept poison out of your backyard.

Sharp eyes at DCS, and brilliant legal advocacy, get the DRBC to close a gaping loophole in their regulations, keeping toxic frack waste out

May 1, 2023

A Remarkable DCS Accomplishment Related to the Whole Delaware Basin

Keeping drilling flow-back/wastewater (brine) out of the river valley and off our roads

DRBC clarifies waste rules in response to DCS challenge: ‘Conventional’ label no longer a loophole.

In January 2023, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) filed a legal complaint

April 30, 2023

Agency Clarifies Frack Waste Ban in Delaware River Watershed

Sued by DCS, the DRBC agreed to clarify their regulations to make clear that wastewater from all fracking sites, not just unconventional gas wells, is banned in the Basin.
By Michael Rubinkam, Associated Press, April 28, 2023

An environmental group …

December 1, 2022

Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin

Tell the DRBC before their December 7 Business Meeting: Vote for a COMPLETE ban on fracking! That means NO Importation of Frack Wastewater and NO Exportation of Water from the Delaware River Watershed for Fracking!

Register to attend the meeting

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