March 9, 2021

The Even More Game-Changing Biden Order You’ve Never Heard About

Biden’s executive order “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis” (“Restoring Science”), issued January 20, has received bafflingly little publicity. In effect, it orders federal agencies to take out the regulatory trash

February 25, 2021

Delaware River Basin Commission Votes to BAN Fracking in the Watershed

Historic Action by the DRBC: It took 13 years to achieve this BAN ON FRACKING in the Delaware River Basin!
By Kathryne Rubright, Pocono Record, February 25, 2021

DCS, and many other organizations and individuals, have been fighting for over

February 19, 2021

Historic Event? DRBC Could Determine the Fate of the Delaware River Watershed Feb. 25

For Immediate Release

February 18, 2021

Barbara Arrindell, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability,

Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper,

Wes Gillingham, Catskill Mountainkeeper,

Jeff Tittel, Director, New Jersey Sierra Club,

Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey,

January 25, 2021

The Game-Changing Biden Order You Haven’t Heard About

A directive about the regulatory process could lead to progressive movement on climate change, public health and worker safety.
By Kevin Robillard, HuffingtonPost, January 24, 2021

Read the order “Modernizing Regulatory Review”.

On his first day in office, President Joe

June 26, 2020

Goldman Sachs Says Renewable-Energy Spending Will Surpass Oil and Gas for the First Time Ever in 2021

Sees total investment spiking to $16 trillion over the next decade
By Ben Winck, Business Insider, June 17, 2020

Read about the financial troubles of US shale companies in the Financial Times.

  • Green-energy investing will account for 25% of all
October 18, 2019

NJ Turns Down Permits for Proposed 120-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline

The state’s Department of Environmental Protection has now closed multiple applications for the same pipeline
By Adam Hermann, PhillyVoice, October 12, 2019

Kudos to New Jersey and Governor Murphy for putting the health and welfare of residents (including the global

June 7, 2019

New Jersey Rejects Transco NESE Pipeline Under Raritan Bay

3 key permits are denied for a controversial pipeline that would send natural gas from NJ under Raritan Bay to NYC
By Scott Fallon, North Jersey Record, June 5, 2019

New York regulators rejected the NESE gas pipeline last month

May 31, 2019

Join Us June 12 to Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking NOW!

Just Do It, DRBC, Do It Now! Join Us June 12!
Call for Governors to Vote for Full Fracking Ban

Join us Wednesday, June 12, at the Delaware River Basin Commission’s (DRBC) next business meeting (open to the public) at …

May 22, 2019

New York Rejects Keystone-Like Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over the State’s Energy Future

Regulators denied an application for a $1 billion natural gas pipeline that environmentalists said would set back the fight against climate change
By Vivian Wang and Michael Adno, New York Times, May 15, 2019

Read more by Rob Rains of

May 20, 2019

Environmental Leaders Applaud Delaware River Governors

Press Statement From the Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition

The Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition, comprised of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Clean Water Action NJ, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, Delaware Sierra Club, Environment New Jersey, Food and …

May 17, 2019

Governors Join Murphy in Support of Full Fracking Ban in Delaware River Basin

Governors of New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania support a full ban on fracking activities in the Basin.
By Kyle Bagenstose, Burlington County Times, May 16, 2019

During a meeting with Gov. Phil Murphy, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and Delaware Gov. …

November 7, 2018

Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard

A variety of methods are currently being employed to dispose of oil and gas well brine (OGB), a byproduct of all gas and oil drilling, including conventional and fracked wells. One such practice is spreading OGB on unpaved roads for …

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