Save the Skinners Falls Bridge!
There will be a public display meeting, featuring AECOM and PennDot (the 2 entities that will decide the fate of the Skinners Falls Bridge), at the Narrowsburg Union (7 Erie Ave, Narrowsburg, NY) on …
Save the Skinners Falls Bridge!
There will be a public display meeting, featuring AECOM and PennDot (the 2 entities that will decide the fate of the Skinners Falls Bridge), at the Narrowsburg Union (7 Erie Ave, Narrowsburg, NY) on …
There will be a public display meeting, featuring AECOM and PennDot (the 2 entities that will decide the fate of the Skinners Falls Bridge), at the Narrowsburg Union (7 Erie Ave, Narrowsburg, NY) on Thursday April 25, from 5 …
On June 25, DCS sponsored a panel discussion on the multi-media show ACTIVATED (Photographs from Peaceful Protests by Brandi Merolla), activism and the Skinners Falls Bridge. The participants were artist and activist Brandi Merolla, filmmaker Josh Fox, DCS Director Barbara …
The show ACTIVATED – Photographs from Peaceful Protests by Brandi Merolla is now at the Narrowsburg Union Digital Gallery through July 1, 2023. Don’t miss this powerful exhibition that honors all who have marched, chanted, and made a difference in …
You can submit your comment to restore and save the Bridge by June 25 (directions below).
Our treasured, and currently closed, Skinners Falls – Milanville Bridge (the Bridge) is essentially on trial for its life. PennDOT, the lead agency and …
DCS has been following this story since April, 2021 and obtained a letter from Bach Ornamental and Structural Steel, Inc. in support of …
The Skinners Falls Bridge is part of the landscape of the Upper Delaware …
DCS has asked that you copy us with your comments to PennDOT regarding the Skinners Falls Bridge project. This was done so DCS could follow up and make sure that your comments are taken into consideration. It appears that PennDOT …
The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) wrote a letter to PennDOT, dated April 22, 2022, commenting on their Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study for the Skinners Falls Bridge. In this letter, the UDC expressed strong support for the restoration of …
The following is my comment regarding the Purpose and Needs Statement recently issued.
I posted this to the River Reporter article as well as providing this in public comments survey posted by PennDot.
Let’s Stop the Insanity!!!!
I believe the …
New deadline for submitting comments is February 7, 2022.
DCS Attorney, Lauren Williams, crafted a series of letters to PennDOT Employees and Representative, campaigning for the extension. She made clear that the reasons PennDOT cited …
Re: The Historic Skinners Falls Bridge
In conversation with friends who live in Milanville, I am responding to their desire to know what is happening now. On September 23, 2021, PENNDOT’s consultant, held its second meeting. Only those invited …