January 2, 2022

DCS is Fighting to Save a Treasure!

New deadline for submitting comments is February 7, 2022.

DCS Attorney, Lauren Williams, crafted a series of letters to PennDOT Employees and Representative, campaigning for the extension. She made clear that the reasons PennDOT cited

December 3, 2021

Fracking Banned in the DRB, but NOT a FULL Ban – More to Do in ’22!

Download the DCS 2021 Appeal Letter as a pdf.
Download the Appeal Letter Insert, on swing state PA, as a pdf.

YOUR donation today helps DCS do more in ’22!

DCS is working for the next generations!  – and

October 29, 2021

DRBC Proposed Regulations Don’t Approach a FULL BAN on Fracking!

It looks as if the DRBC came through and banned waste water import and treatment, and virtually all, if not all, export of fresh water for fracking. But the devil’s in the details, so we’re not celebrating yet. For example,

October 12, 2021

Update on the Skinners Falls Bridge Project

Re: The Historic Skinners Falls Bridge

In conversation with friends who live in Milanville, I am responding to their desire to know what is happening now. On September 23, 2021, PENNDOT’s consultant, AECOM.com held its second meeting.  Only those invited …

April 15, 2021

Ed Wesely’s Comment to PennDOT on the Skinners Falls Bridge

Ed Wesely lived in Damascus, PA for 30 years and has a deep reverence for the history and beauty of the Upper Delaware River Valley. You can feel his passion for preserving the Skinners Falls Bridge in the following comment

April 14, 2021

YOU Can Be a Consulting Party for the Skinners Falls Bridge Project

Click the Become Consulting Party button to apply to be a consulting party on the Skinners Falls Bridge project.

If you have any problems with your application email Heather Gerling MA (hgerling@pa.gov), the PennDOT Cultural Resources Professional who is

April 13, 2021

Why DCS is Getting Involved in the Skinners Falls Bridge Issue

Why is DCS is getting involved with the Milanville – Skinners Falls Bridge project?

Your comments by April 30 can help persuade PennDOT to rehabilitate the historic Skinners Falls Bridge.

Let’s go back to why Damascus Citizens for Sustainability was …

April 5, 2021

UDC Endorses Rehabilitation of Skinners Falls Bridge

NARROWSBURG, NY — The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) voted to recommend rehabilitation of the historic 1902 Baltimore truss bridge at Skinners Falls.
By Linda Drollinger, The River Reporter, April 2, 2021

If you want to make a comment to PennDOT

March 9, 2021

The Even More Game-Changing Biden Order You’ve Never Heard About

Biden’s executive order “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis” (“Restoring Science”), issued January 20, has received bafflingly little publicity. In effect, it orders federal agencies to take out the regulatory trash

December 6, 2020

Josh Fox Says: Help DCS Fight for You

A Letter From Josh Fox, Director of Gasland

From Josh Fox’s letter:
I dedicated my Academy Award nominated film, GasLand, to DCS because they sounded the alarm about fracking back in 2008. And they were there with invaluable …

December 5, 2020

Public Opposition to Gibbstown LNG Export on Delaware River Explodes

Governors of Four States Petitioned to Vote NO December 9 (Press Release)

Download the Week of Action Toolkit to see what you can do to fight the Gibbstown LNG export terminal. The Toolkit includes talking points, contact information for the

September 5, 2020

DCS: Still Fighting for a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Why Are The Exemptions to Federal Laws Important to the Delaware Basin? How The Fossil Fuel Industry Wants to Make You Pay – And How You Can Help Fight Back!

The DRBC commissioners take their marching orders from the governors

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