Why is DCS is getting involved with the Milanville – Skinners Falls Bridge project?
Let’s go back to why Damascus Citizens for Sustainability was …
Why is DCS is getting involved with the Milanville – Skinners Falls Bridge project?
Let’s go back to why Damascus Citizens for Sustainability was …
If you want to make a comment to PennDOT …
Biden’s executive order “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis” (“Restoring Science”), issued January 20, has received bafflingly little publicity. In effect, it orders federal agencies to take out the regulatory trash …
A Letter From Josh Fox, Director of Gasland
From Josh Fox’s letter:
“I dedicated my Academy Award nominated film, GasLand, to DCS because they sounded the alarm about fracking back in 2008. And they were there with invaluable …
Download the Week of Action Toolkit to see what you can do to fight the Gibbstown LNG export terminal. The Toolkit includes talking points, contact information for the …
The DRBC commissioners take their marching orders from the governors …
This year’s election is extremely important and so is your vote. In light of this, DCS will be posting information on early and mail in voting for the 4 Delaware River Basin states: Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. …
For background on HB 1100 read Petrochemicals in PA: What You Need to Know by the NRDC.
What future do you want for the Delaware River Basin
(the source of water for 20 million people)?
The above or THIS:
DCS is fighting to keep fracking AND frack waste disposal out of the Delaware River Basin and …
Bill Huston, an independent researcher and environmental activist, has done extensive research on the proposed Battery Recycling Facility, planned for the old IBM site in Endicott, NY. The NY DEC is asking for comments on the facility until December 5. …
It has been 2 years since the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) voted to ban fracking in the Delaware …