Your snail mail letters have paid off! There is now a ban on high volume hydraulic fracturing in New York State. Governor Cuomo based his decision on the State Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker’s recommendation that drilling could cause “significant public …
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Call Governor Cuomo Wednesday, September 2, or any day this week, at 877-235-6537, to stop the “Constitution” pipeline.
It’s important that we keep the pressure on NY Governor Cuomo and the DEC this week to Stop The Pipeline!
Let Albany …
Don’t Let the Frackers Silence Our Neighbors!
Fight Back!
Join the Tour, Rally and Concert Sunday, July 19
More information and tickets
Families have been silenced! Why? Because Fracking companies bought their silence. All over the US from WY to …
Until recently, the gas used in the New York City area had relatively low levels of radon. This started changing in late 2013 when gas from the Marcellus shale gas areas of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio started flowing into …
In the dark of winter,
I heard mighty roar,
Our upstate paradise was saved
Fracking is no more.
The solstice will lengthen the day
Gas flaring can go away
My tap water will not burn and flicker
The landsmen face …
It is urgent that everyone vote, but please be careful and know who your voting for; what their perspectives and policies have been will probably be indicative of their future actions.
For Pennsylvania residents, the Environmental Scorecard (below) will show …
Download our template letter for sending to your NJ State Senator
The materials presented here were developed by our colleagues in the Delaware RiverKeeper Network.
On August 11, Governor Christie officially vetoed the Frack Waste Ban Bill. This legislation (Senate …
DCS is protesting the recent decision by Susan G. Komen to partner with fracker Baker Hughes (see our letter below). Please join in this protest by writing a letter, for the greatest impact, or sending an email. Feel free to …
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
We would very much like to invite to you to the release of the Town of Delaware Methane Baseline Study at the Delaware Youth Center, in Callicoon, NY, on Sunday, August 24th from noon until 2:00 …
Keep the Radon Bill Moving Along!
A Joint Project of Sane Energy and DCS
Bill A6863B-2013 (Relates to the protection of public health from …