May 2, 2014

Petition to Protect PA School Kids from Fracking

Please sign, and pass along, this petition to stop unconventional gas drilling 1/2 mile from 3,200 school children (you can be anywhere)

Protect PA School Kids

Add your name to this petition by MASD Parent Group:

PA DEP Secretary E Christopher Abruzzo, Pennsylvania

April 9, 2014

Stop the Cove Point LNG Export Facility

For the sake of future generations, Cove Point must be stopped
Opinion by Sarah Bur, The Baltimore Sun, April 8, 2014

Thank you for covering the controversy regarding the proposed Dominion liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility at Cove Point …

November 19, 2013

Your Pictures Can Help Keep the Delaware River Watershed Frack-Free

Will you take a picture of a special place in the Delaware River Basin that you don’t want destroyed? Or a picture of your family, your friends, your pets, or an important “reason to protect” the Delaware that you are …

October 19, 2013

3 Current Risks from Fracking

Although fracking itself seems to be at a stalemate in New York State, that doesn’t mean that the drillers are at a standstill.  Oil and gas interests are working hard to get the related infrastructure into place: the pipelines, storage …

September 28, 2013

Opposition to PA HB 1576 Grows

PFSC, Trout Unlimited, PennFuture, Sierra and PennEnvironment join Game Commission and Fish Commission in Opposing  HB 1576

PFSC, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs*, spoke out loud and clear at the 9/17 hearing on

September 22, 2013

PA Senate Bill 1100: A Moratorium on New Permits for Fracking

PA Senator Jim Ferlo (D-Pittsburgh) announces the introduction of Senate Bill 1100: a moratorium on issuing new permits for hydraulic fracturing
Press Release, September 18, 2013

Pennsylvania residents, write or call your state representatives and tell them to support the

September 21, 2013

Tell the EPA to Investigate Fracking-Related Water Contamination

A message from Lee Ziesche, Gasland Grassroots Coordinator

It’s John Fenton’s story. It’s Scott Ely’s story. It’s Steve Lipsky’s story.

It doesn’t matter if the setting is Pavillion Wyoming, Dimock Pennsylvania or Parker County Texas, we’ve seen the same story …

September 8, 2013

Attend a Deborah Rogers presentation on 'Frackonomics'

Attend a presentation by Deborah Rogers, Founder of Energy Policy Forum titled “Frackonomics: Debunking the Financial Myths of Fracking,” on Thursday, October 3, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the SVA Theatre, 333 West 23 Street (8th and 9th …

August 30, 2013

Petition: Reopen EPA Investigations into Fracking-Related Water Contamination

Sign the Petition to President Obama and EPA Administrator McCarthy
Petition Background
This week, the Los Angeles Times broke the story that EPA shut down a fracking-related water contamination investigation in Dimock, PA – featured in the documentary “Gasland” –
July 20, 2013

Protest Minisink Compressor Station

Click on this link to send a letter to Senator Gillibrand demanding that she help the community of Minisink!! Minisink familes traveled a long distance with very young kids to come into the city and let her know that we …

June 11, 2013

The Dust Bowl and the Spectra Pipeline

Support VOICETheater’s play on the Dust Bowl and our fight against the Spectra Pipeline (they are related!)

The play Birds on a Wire is the untold story of a Jewish family in 1930s Texas holding onto their lives as they …

June 3, 2013

Make a Call to Your PA Senator to Support a Fracking Moratorium

The call-in day is set for June 5th to PA State Senators to stress support of a moratorium on gas and oil drilling using hydraulic fracturing. Did you know that recent polls show that 59% of Pennsylvanians view fracking as …

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