Waste and Disposal

April 19, 2015

EPA Loophole Allows Streams of Wastewater in Wyoming

Environmentalists challenge permits that result in dumping of toxic chemicals on tribal land
By Elizabeth Shogren, High Country News, April 14, 2015

The Environmental Protection Agency last month issued revised permits for oil companies to dump literally rivers of wastewater—including …

April 9, 2015

The Link Between Fracking and Oklahoma's Quakes Keeps Getting Stronger

Over the last few years, Oklahoma has experienced an insane uptick in earthquakes.
By Kevin Drum, Mother Jones, April 6, 2015

Over the last few years, Oklahoma has experienced an insane uptick in earthquakes. As we reported in 2013, …

December 10, 2014

Radioactivity in Gas Drilling Waste

The law office of Rachel Treichler has posted a large collection of materials on the issue of radioactivity and fracking

Rachel Treichler has been providing legal services to clients in the Finger Lakes and Southern Tier region since 2002. She …

December 2, 2014

Mt. Pleasant Family Takes Range Resources to Court

Mt. Pleasant Township family claims Marcellus Shale drilling operations near their home contaminated their drinking water and affected their quality of life
By Emily Petsko, observer-reporter.com, November 7, 2014

A Mt. Pleasant Township family is claiming that Marcellus Shale drilling …

October 21, 2014

Tell your NJ State Senator to Ban Frack Waste!

Download our template letter for sending to your NJ State Senator
The materials presented here were developed by our colleagues in the Delaware RiverKeeper Network.

On August 11, Governor Christie officially vetoed the Frack Waste Ban Bill. This legislation (Senate …

August 29, 2014

Time is Short to Avert Shale Industry’s Imminent Radioactive Dilemma

“The more we drill, the more radioactive matter we bring to the surface, and the less idea we have of what to do with it.”
By Shane Thielges, bakken.com, August 28, 2014

radioactivePA, NY, OH and WV Residents Note: The

June 18, 2014

Gov. Malloy Signs Fracking Waste Moratorium

Signs 3 year moratorium on toxic fracking waste in Connecticut
By Environmental Headlines, June 14, 2014

Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE) is applauding Gov. Dannell P. Malloy for signing Public Act 14-200 into law, which enacts a three year …

June 15, 2014

Criminal Charges Filed Against Waste Disposal Company and Owner

Pa DEP says it was unaware of leaking contaminants
By John Beauge, The Patriot-News, June 9, 2014

DCS: This is what goes on everywhere there is drilling – there is no manifesting of the wastes so disposal is on the

December 20, 2013

Low Levels of Fracking Wastewater Highly Toxic to Mayflies

Scientists find mayflies, whose presence indicates good water quality, are significantly affected by low levels of produced water
By Diane Huskinson, Stroud Water Research Center, December 2013

Read the final report

An explosion of natural gas drilling in recent years …

December 20, 2013

Impacts of Shale Gas Wastewater Disposal on Water Quality in Western PA

Environmental Science and Technology, September 10, 2013
By Nathaniel R. Warner, Cidney A. Christie, Robert B. Jackson, and Avner Vengosh
Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC

Read the full paper and

December 8, 2013

Wastewater Case Raises the Concept of Underground Trespassing

A case worth watching with obvious implications for fracking wells that contaminate adjacent well water and underground water sources. Could be very big for PA.
By Jim Malewitz, The Texas Tribune, December 6, 2013

A case involving the disposal of …

October 4, 2013

Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Found in PA Stream

Study finds radioactive wastewater being released into the Pittsburgh watershed
By smithsonian.com, October 2, 1013

In the state of Pennsylvania, home to the lucrative Marcellus Shale formation, 74 facilities treat wastewater from the process of hydraulic fracturing (a.k.a. “fracking”) …

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