Environmental Science and Technology, September 10, 2013
By Nathaniel R. Warner, Cidney A. Christie, Robert B. Jackson, and Avner Vengosh
Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC
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By Jim Malewitz, The Texas Tribune, December 6, 2013
A case involving the disposal of …
By smithsonian.com, October 2, 1013
In the state of Pennsylvania, home to the lucrative Marcellus Shale formation, 74 facilities treat wastewater from the process of hydraulic fracturing (a.k.a. “fracking”) …
By Peter Mantius, DC Bureau, August 14, 2013
Questions about the integrity of official water tests are stirring the latest controversy over New York State’s embattled policy of allowing imports of radioactive waste from
By Noel Brinkerhoff, allgov.com, July 24, 2013
Having settled one water pollution case, an Exxon subsidiary is now facing a federal …
EcoWatch, July 11, 2013
Millions of gallons of water laced with toxic chemicals from oil and gas drilling rigs are pumped for consumption by wildlife …
By Bobby Magill, coloradoan.com, June 26, 2013
Frack waste can also be radioactive. There is plenty of information on the web.
Here is a good place …
By Dory Hippauf, No Fracking Way, May 30, 2013
Federal and State agents from the IRS, FBI, PA Attorney General’s office and Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) raided …
The maps included here are from an XTO permit application of August 2012, and give a quick view of what goes/comes from where.
Write Governor Cuomo!
Looks like there will be quite a bit of traffic around and right …
Its contents remain mostly a mystery. But fracking wastewater has revealed one of its secrets: It can be highly radioactive. And yet no agency really regulates its handling, transport or disposal. A four-part series on radiation in fracking wastewater …
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica
Injection wells used to dispose of the nation’s most toxic waste are showing increasing signs of stress as regulatory oversight falls short and scientific assumptions prove …
Toxicological Analysis of Ohio Brine Constituents and their Potential Impact on Human Health
The Brine referred to is from gas or oil wells and though the paper is from 1986 and of course does not deal at all with the …