RWMA is a Vermont-based consulting firm established in 1989. Our expert team of scientists and engineers evaluate the impact of proposed and existent radioactive waste facilities to assist organizations that are faced with nuclear waste …
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Radioactive Waste Management Associates
October 2011
These comments on the proposed DEC regulations on Marcellus Shale Development pertain primarily to health and safety issues. Since the previous GEIS1, DEC has examined the regulatory experience in other states …
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment Inc., Josephine Facility:
Implications for Disposal of Oil and Gas Flowback Fluids from Brine Treatment Plants by Conrad D. Volz et al
EPA Hydraulic …
The natural gas boom gripping parts of the U.S. has a nasty byproduct: wastewater so salty, and so polluted with metals like barium and strontium, that most states require drillers to get rid of …
By Food & Water Watch, Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Washington, D.C.-In the wake of April’s calamitous …
Workers at a steel mill and a power plant were the first to notice something strange about the Monongahela River last summer. The water that U.S. Steel and Allegheny Energy used to power their plants …
This fact sheet provides a brief overview of the of the contamination concerns with pits. It also addresses where the regulation of pit wastes fall short.