Water Contamination

July 13, 2024

3 Farmers, 2 Generations, 1 Perspective

If there is going to be food, then water must be protected!

Three Sullivan County farmers gave public comments at the June 5 DRBC meeting in Narrowsburg, NY: Wes Gillingham, Iris Fen Gillingham and Eugene Thalmann. All three spoke of …

December 2, 2022

As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health

A growing number of studies are pointing to a link between hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and health problems.
By Jon Hurdle, Yale Environment 360, November 17, 2022

This bears out what DCS has been saying since our inception in 2008: Fracking

December 1, 2022

Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin

Tell the DRBC before their December 7 Business Meeting: Vote for a COMPLETE ban on fracking! That means NO Importation of Frack Wastewater and NO Exportation of Water from the Delaware River Watershed for Fracking!

Register to attend the meeting

November 18, 2022

The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants

In September, a coalition of Scientists, Activists, and Families, called SAFE, traveled to DC to call out the EPA:

STOP working for corporations and start working for people!
CHEMICALS are polluting our water, air, and soil, and making us sick.…

September 21, 2022

Tell DRBC NO Frack Waste

Our clean drinking water is at risk! Sign this petition telling the DRBC to BAN the import of toxic frack waste into the Delaware River Basin.

New York City’s award winning, wonderful tap water is imperiled by the Delaware River …

August 6, 2022

In Honor and Memory of Randy Moyers

Dear Damascus,

“Halliburton n’at is trying to train all these kids in the schools around here. Are you getting kicked in the head or what? Wake up! Hello! Come in! That’s not a job, that’s a death camp.”

– Randy

May 3, 2022

Study Links Fracking, Drinking Water Pollution, and Infant Health

New research documents for the first time the pollution of public water supplies caused by fracking, and its negative impacts on infant health.
By Mark Michaud, University of Rochester Medical Center, April 11, 2022

Find out about the connection between

February 16, 2022

Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin?  WHAT?

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has proposed regulations that would allow toxic waste from fracking into the Delaware River Basin, and the export of water from the basin for fracking elsewhere. If we can avert that threat, it could …

September 14, 2021

Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition to DRBC: Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking

The Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition, of which DCS is a member, addressed the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) at it’s September 9, 2021 public meeting and presented evidence as to why the DRBC must pass a full ban

September 8, 2021

Water is Life: Don’t Waste it on Fracking – Webinar

The Case for a Full Ban on Fracking in the Watershed
Sign Up to Attend!
Wednesday, September 15, 7:00 to 8:00 pm

Brought to you by the Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition, of which DCS is a member, the Frack

July 22, 2021

“Forever Chemicals” Used in Fracking Threaten Groundwater and Health

Are we being kept safe from ‘forever chemicals’ injected into fracking sites? A bombshell exposé revealed that oil and gas firms are injecting PFAS chemicals into fracking sites, threatening groundwater.
By David Bond, The Guardian, July 21, 2021

Per- and

June 24, 2021

US District Court Rules that DRBC Fracking Ban Stands

Federal judge sides with Senate Democrats to protect the drinking water of 5,000,000 Pennsylvanians.
The Bradford Era, June 11, 2021

Claims by Damascus and Dyberry Townships, and Carbon and Wayne Counties, were also dismissed.

State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced …

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