Groups File Suit Against Army Corps and Delaware River Basin Commission Over Gas Drilling Regulations; Lawsuit charges that an analysis must be completed and environmental impacts understood before drilling moves forward in the Delaware River Basin.…
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Durango, CO
“We are very pleased to announce Texas Sharon as our Gulf Region Organizer, said Gwen Lachelt, Director and Founder of EARTHWORKS’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project. Beginning today, Sharon Wilson, aka “Texas Sharon,” the prolific and much-respected …
BENTON TWP. – A hearing to consider a conditional use application for a natural gas well was canceled Wednesday evening but about 150 people rallied at the hearing site to oppose gas drilling in the township.…
NRDC supports federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing under the Safe Drinking Water Act. We believe this is a sensible approach that would ensure a minimum federal floor of drinking water protection in the more than 30 states where oil …
The Environmental Protection Agency has begun public hearings in Binghamton, New York on hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a controversial technique that mining companies use to extract natural gas from rock formations thousands of feet underground. The hearings …
[Excerpt] We commend and pray for our fellow Catholics who are a part of the solution by working with organizations such as Clean Water Action, Duquesne University Center for Environmental Research, Rachael Carson Homestead, Sierra …
Some energy analysts are predicting that natural gas will be the fuel of the future if advances in drilling technology allow drillers to tap into domestic shale rock formations on a large scale. But because of …
Washington— The Upper Delaware River, the drinking water source for 17 million people across New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania is at risk from shale fracking for natural gas, a process that poisons groundwater and creates toxic pollution. This threat …
The Campaign Contributions & Lobbying Expenditures of the Natural Gas Industry in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has often been described as the “Wild West” of campaign financing. Ours is one of only eleven …
Occupational Health and Safety Online
If you have been reading the headlines of late, you will notice an increase in the reports of accidents involving oil and gas rig drilling operations. You also …
Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
With the publication, Hancock & The Marcellus Shale: Visioning the Impacts of Natural Gas Extraction Along the Upper Delaware, the team evaluates and visualizes the impacts of …
Dear Administrator Johnson:
The undersigned environmental and public health groups join together in urging you to withdraw recent changes to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) chemical assessment program, the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). The new policy issued …