December 15, 2011
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- All
- Accidents
- Advocates
- Air Pollution
- Air Testing
- Art
- Associated Press
- Banned Here
- Biomass
- Blog
- Breaking News
- Climate Change
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Cumulative
- DCS Programs
- DCS Storefront
- Decline Rate
- Delaware
- Dimock PA
- Divestment
- Earthquakes
- Economic
- Events
- Experts
- Federal / EPA
- Gas Drilling Tech Notes
- Gas Industry
- Gasland
- Geology
- Global Market
- Health
- Health Impact Registry
- Impacts
- Industry Documents
- Industry Hype
- Jobs
- Landscape Disturbance
- Legal Action
- Legislation
- Maps / Aerial Views
- Maryland
- Methane Baselines
- Methane Emissions
- Mortgages
- New Jersey
- New York
- New York Times
- News Archives
- News Stories
- Ohio
- Pellet Stoves
- Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia Inquirer
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- Political Influence
- Press Releases
- Print, Post, Share
- ProPublica Series
- Radioactivity
- Radon
- Real Estate
- Regulatory
- Regulatory Failure
- Renewables
- Reports / Studies
- Resources
- Reuters
- River Reporter
- Rural Economies
- Scranton Times-Tribune
- Secrecy / NDAs
- Skinners Falls Bridge
- Take Action
- The Wall Street Journal
- Toxic Chemicals
- Uncategorized
- Video
- Waste and Disposal
- Water Contamination
- Water Testing
- Wildlife
- Workers
- Zoning
- Zoning Assistance
- All
- "factivist"
- "grandfathered" wells
- "Wild West" of campaign financing
- 250 Medical Experts
- Accidents
- Action
- Advocates
- Aerial Views
- Aerial Views of Drilling Sites
- Agency for Toxic
- Air
- air pollutants
- air pollution
- Air Sampling in Alabama
- air-sheds
- Al Armendariz
- America's Water
- American Academy of Pediatricians
- American Statesman
- Analysis of leased land
- animals got sick or died
- Anthony Ingraffea
- Anthony Ingraffea on hydraulic fracturing
- Appalachian Basin
- aquifer contamination
- aquifer has become contaminated
- Art
- Assembly Bill 10956
- assert jurisdiction
- assessment
- Assessment for Natural Gas Extraction
- Associated Press
- Association of Pittsburgh Priests
- ATSDR Leroy Township
- ATSDR Petition Program
- Attorney General Schneiderman
- Banned
- Barbara and Larry Graff
- Barium in PBT
- Barnett Shale
- Barnett Shale Area
- benzene
- benzene and breast cancer
- Beyond Fracking
- Big Gas Mafia
- Big Oil Company
- Bill Wince
- Biomass
- BLM land
- Blog
- Blowout
- Bluedaze
- Boom-bust
- Bradford County
- Breaking News
- breast cancer rates in Barnett Shale drilling
- breast cancer rates in Texas
- brine treatment plants
- Campaign Contributions
- Canadian Gas Association
- Caol Collier
- Catskill Mountainkeeper
- Center for Environmental Health
- Central New York Oil and Gas Company
- Challenge Pipelines
- Chemical Abstract Service
- Chemical and Biological Risk Assessment
- chemical assessment program
- chemical constituents
- chemical disclosure
- chemical production processes
- chemical-laced water
- Chemicals
- Chesapeake
- Chesapeake CEO
- Chesapeake Energy
- Chesapeake Energy 2010 Annual Report
- Chesapeake Energy Corporation
- Chesapeake Energy Marketing
- Chesapeake Energy officials
- Chesapeake Well
- Chesapeake Well in Bradford County
- Citizen's Voice Newspaper
- Citizens Challenge Pipelines
- Citizens Guide to Risk Assessments
- Climate
- climate change
- CO2
- Colorado
- Comments on dSGEIS
- comments on the SGEIS
- Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Common Cause
- Common Cause Pennsylvania
- Community Environmental Defense Council
- community is exposed
- Community Water Tests
- Compared to coal
- Complaint
- Comptroller
- compulsory integration
- concentrations of hydrogen sulfide
- Concerns on NYS DEC dSGEIS
- concerns over NYC water supply
- Conecuh
- Conemaugh River Basin
- confidentiality request
- Connecticut
- containment system
- contaminants found in central Wyoming
- Contaminated Drinking Water
- Contaminated Sites
- contaminating a stream
- conventional gas vs. hydrofracturing gas shale
- Cornell Fracture Group
- Costs and Benefits of Energy Production
- Counterinsurgency Manual
- County of Chenango Planning Dept.
- Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
- Damascus Township
- David H. Hughes
- DCS Files NEPA Lawsuit
- DCS Programs
- DCS Storefront
- de facto moratorium
- Deborah Goldberg
- DEC regulations
- Decline
- Decline Curve
- Decline Rate
- Deep Drilling
- Deep Pockets
- deep vertical drilling
- Degette
- Delaware
- Delaware River
- Delaware River Basin
- Delaware Riverkeeper
- Delaware Riverkeeper Network
- Delta
- Demand for Fracking Study
- Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering
- Department of Environmental Conservation
- development of natural gas resources
- Devonian Marcellus Shale
- Diesel Fuel Risks
- diesel fuel use in hydraulic fracturing
- Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing
- Dimock
- DiNapoli
- dirty bomb
- Discharge of fluids
- disposal of flowback fluids
- Divestment
- Division of Mineral Resources
- DRBC meeting in Trenton NJ
- DRBC Regulations Vote
- Drill-Right Texas
- Drillers defend
- Drilling Activity
- Drilling Around the Law
- Drilling Down
- Drilling Down Series
- Drilling fluid gushes from natural gas well in Bradford County
- Drilling Illness Database
- drilling in marcellus shale
- drilling job safety
- Drilling Sites
- drilling statute
- drilling units
- drilling-related health complaints
- drinking water supplies
- dSGEIS on Gas Drilling
- Duke University
- Durango Colorado
- Dwight Loree
- Eamon Javers
- EarthJustice
- EarthJustice and Citizens
- Earthquakes
- Eastern District of New York
- Eco Justice
- Eco Justice and Peace Coordinator
- Ecology and Environment
- Economic
- Economic Assessment Report
- economic engine
- Edward G. Hom
- effective water quality monitoring programs
- Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatement
- electricity generation
- elevated well water chemicals
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
- Emission sources from the oil and gas sector
- Emissions from Natural Gas
- Encana
- Endocrine Disruption Exchange
- Energy Analysis and Planning
- energy analysts
- energy disaster
- energy executives
- energy industry representatives
- Energy Information Administration
- energy market prices
- Energy Resources Conservation Board
- engineered systems
- Environment
- Environmental and Public Health Organizations
- environmental concern
- environmental contaminants
- environmental cost
- Environmental Dangers of Hydro-Fracturing
- Environmental Engineers
- Environmental Impact Statement
- environmental impacts
- environmental monitoring
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmental Working Group
- EPA Finds Compoud Used in Fracking
- EPA Fracking Study
- Eric Schneiderman
- Eric T. Schneiderman
- Escambia
- escaping containment
- ethical implications of this impending crisis
- Events
- exemption for hydraulic fracturing
- Expert Reports
- Experts
- Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells
- exploratory wells
- exposed to hazardous substance
- exposure to arsenic
- facilities accepting natural gas
- Factors Affecting the Shift to Shale Gas
- Failure to Study "fracking"
- fatigue and fracture
- Federal
- Federal Agencies
- federal environmental officials
- federal environmental protections
- Federal EPA
- Federal Intervention
- Federal Lawsuit Against Delaware River Basin Commission
- Federal Resources
- Feds link water contamination to fracking
- Flammable Drinking Water
- fluids containing diesel
- Food and Water Watch
- footprint of natural gas
- Former Oil and Gas Producer
- foul water and health concerns
- Frac Forward
- frack fluids
- Frack Truck
- Frack Truck Convoys
- Fracking
- Fracking and Quaking
- Fracking Contaminated Drinking Water
- fracking fluid
- fracking fluids
- fracking in NYC watershed
- Fracking in Wyoming
- Fracking Industry
- fracture control
- fracturing fluids
- fracturing fluids in ground water
- Fracturing of Amwell County PA
- fracturing products
- full disclosure
- full disclosure of the chemicals
- Full Environmental Assessment
- full-cycle greenhouse gas
- future Marcellus drilling
- gas drilling in New York State
- gas drilling in NYC watershed
- Gas Drilling Lawsuit
- Gas Drilling Regulations
- Gas Drilling Tech Notes
- Gas Extraction Along the Upper Delaware
- gas field
- gas industry do not match reality
- gas industry has been triggering earthquakes
- gas leases and homeowners liabilities
- gas migration
- gas migration from Marcellus Shale gas wells
- Gas Well Decline Rate
- gas well pad
- Gas Wells' Tainted Water
- GASFRAC Energy Services
- Gasland
- Geology
- global energy industry
- Global Market
- government investigation into contamination
- Governor Corbett
- groundwater data
- Gulf Region Organizer
- Hancock and the Marcellus Shale
- hazards at a site
- Hazen and Sawyer
- Health
- Health and Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas
- health and safety issues
- health concerns
- Health Directors
- Health Impact Assessment
- health registries
- Health secretary
- Hidden Costs of Energy
- high volume hydraulic fracturing
- Hinchey
- Holt
- homeowners gas drilling leases
- horizontal drilling
- Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing
- House Energy and Commerce Committee Report
- human health
- hydraulic fracturing
- Hydraulic Fracturing and Air Quality
- Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Quality
- hydraulic fracturing operations
- Hydrofracked Gas
- hydrofracking
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- hydrogeologist
- hyped projections
- Ian Urbina
- Impact Assessment
- Impacts
- Independent Oil and Gas Association
- industrial expansion
- Industry
- industry accidents
- Industry Hype
- industry lawyers
- injecting diesel into the ground
- Insiders Sound an Alarm
- Integrated Risk Information System
- Investigation Finds Continued Use of Diesel
- investigative journalism
- IOGANY's claims
- James Gennaro
- James Northrup
- Jeffrey Reynolds
- Jim Hope-Ross
- Jobs
- Josephine Facility
- Josephine Facility Effluent
- Josh Fox and Matt Sanchez video
- Kaiser Exploration and Mining Company
- Kauffman University of Delaware Resources Agency
- Keynote Address of Aubrey K. McClendon
- lack of transparency
- land-use laws
- landowners forced into drilling units
- landowners with leases
- Landscape
- Landscape Disturbance
- lax monitoring
- leased land
- leasing for gas drilling
- Legal
- Legal Plan to Control Drilling
- Legal Services
- Legislation
- Lessions from Wyoming
- Letter to Governor Cuomo
- Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis
- Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Lippes
- List of Experts and Full Report
- Lobbying Expenditures of the Natural Gas Industry
- local and state regulatory jurisdiction
- local behavior
- Local Boards of Health
- local governments
- local law
- Lock Haven University
- Lustgarden
- map of wells
- Maps
- Maps of Delaware River Basin
- Marc Durand
- Marc I Hub Line Project
- marcellus shale
- Marcellus shale assessment
- Marcellus Shale Coalition Study
- Marcellus Shale Deposit
- Marcellus Shale Development
- marcellus shale gas reserves
- Marcellus Shale Insights Conference
- Market
- Markey
- Maryland
- Material Data Safety Sheets
- Maurice Hinchey
- Medical Experts
- Medical Societies
- Methane
- Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint
- methane emissions
- methane found in Bradford County wells
- methane found in private water wells
- methane from unconventional reservoirs
- methane gas in drinking water
- methane in shale
- Methane Losses
- Methane Recovery
- mini-quakes
- Monroe
- Moratorium in South Africa
- Moratorium on Hydraulic Fracturing
- Mortgages
- Multi Municipal Task Force
- Multi-layer Spacing Map
- municipal leaders
- Municipalities Regulate Natural Gas
- National Assessment
- National Energy Technology Laboratory
- National Environmental Policy Act
- National Research Council
- natural gas
- natural gas and liquids
- Natural Gas Boom
- Natural Gas Creates Conflicts With Mortgages
- Natural Gas Dehydration
- Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water
- Natural Gas Drilling in the New York City Watershed
- natural gas emissions
- Natural Gas Extraction and Delivery
- Natural Gas Extraction in New York
- natural gas fields
- Natural Gas Industry
- Natural Gas Operations
- Natural Gas Production
- Natural Gas Rush
- natural gas wells
- NEPA Lawsuit
- NETL comparison
- New Jersey
- New Technology Magazine
- New York Attorney General
- New York City Drinking Watershed
- New York City Water Supply
- New York Environmental Conservation Law
- New York State
- New York State Multi-layer Spacing Map
- New York State Public Health Law
- New York State Sues Federal Government
- New York State's Abandoned Wells Priority Plugging List
- New York Times
- New York Unplugged Wells
- News
- NJ
- Not So Fast
- nuclear waste management issues
- NY
- NY DEC Information Requests
- NY Farm Bureau
- Ny legislature
- NY State Assembly on Potential Public Health Impacts
- NY Watershed
- NYC Council
- NYS Assembly Committee
- NYS Bar Association Journal
- NYS Conference
- NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors
- NYS Department of Health
- NYSBA Journal
- Office of New York State
- Ohio
- Oil and Gas Accountability Project
- oil and gas reform
- oil and gas reform organization
- oil and gas wells
- oil drilling
- Oil Executive
- oil industry conference
- Open Letter to Shareholders
- Open Letter to U.S. EPA
- Otsego
- Otsego 2000
- over-estimates of projected economic benefits from shale gas development
- PA Brine
- PA Catholic Bishops
- PA Pipeline Project
- PA State Department of Environmental Protection
- PA town hall meeting
- PA Wants Gas Drilling Illness Database
- Pammer Associates
- Pavillion
- Pellets
- Pennsylvania
- per-well production
- permits for drilling
- petition request
- Photographs of Drilling
- Photographs of Drilling Activity
- Pittsburgh Priests
- Pocono Environmental Laboratories
- policy implications for utilizing natural gas
- Polis
- Politics
- pollute local ground-water
- Ponzi Scheme
- potential health effects
- Potential Stressors on Human Health
- Press
- Press Release
- Producers Technology Transfer Workshop
- Proof of Contamination
- propane as the fracturing fluid
- Property
- Proposed DEC Regulations
- Protecting Western Communities
- psy-ops
- public costs
- public health assessment activities
- Public Health Assessments
- public health hazard
- Public Health Imoacts of Hydraulic Fracturing
- public health impacts of hydraulic fracturing
- Public Health Implications
- Quorum Report
- radioactive waste facilities
- Radioactive Waste Management Associates
- Radioactivity
- Radon
- rally before DRBC meeting
- Ralph Ross
- Range Resources
- raw sampling data
- Reader Supported News
- Real Estate
- real estate execultives
- registry for tracking
- registry to track illnesses in communities near heavy drilling
- Regulate Natural Gas
- regulating oil or gas drilling
- Regulation is Lax for Water from Gas Wells
- regulation of fracturing
- Regulatory
- Regulatory Failure
- regulatory oversight
- Renewables
- repeal the exemption
- repeal the exemption for hydraulic fracturing
- Report Government Fraud
- Reports
- Resnikoff
- resolution #03-11 and proposed house bill #1950
- Resources
- revised dSGEIS
- Risky Drilling
- River Reporter
- River Reprter
- Road Preservation Local Law
- Road Use & Prevention
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Robert Myers
- Robert W. Howarth
- Robinson Township Washington County PA
- Ronald E. Bishop
- royalty payment fraud
- Royalty payments
- RUP Program
- Rural Economies
- Rush Holt
- Rush to Drill for Natural Gas
- Safe Drinking Water Act
- Sandra Steingraber
- Scientific Study Links Flammable Drinking Water to Fracking
- Secrecy
- seismic activity
- SGEIS commenting
- shale "plays"
- shale gas
- Shale Gas Compared to Coal
- shale gas development
- shale gas drilling
- Shale Reserve
- Shale Reserve Estimate Slashed
- Sharon Wilson
- Shell appeals to the TX Supreme Court
- Skinners Falls Bridge
- small-town regulations
- Smyrna
- Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin
- Solid Wastes
- South Africa Takes the Cautionary Approach
- South African Government Announces National Moratorium
- South Fayette ordinance
- Special DRBC Hearing
- spikes in illnesses
- sportsmen's groups
- stakeholder relations
- Startup cracks propane fracture puzzle
- State Environmental Quality Review Act
- stripper wells
- Studies
- Sublette County
- Suit Against Army Corps
- Sullivan County
- SUNY Medical University
- SUNY Oneonta
- Superfund Law
- Susan Christopherson
- Suspend Hydrofracking
- Susquehanna River gas migration
- swarm of earthquakes
- Tainted water
- Take Action
- Tell Governor Cuomo
- Testing
- Texas environmental agency
- Texas OGAP
- Texas Sharon
- Texas Supreme Court
- The Endocrine Disruption Exchange
- The Marcellus Effect
- Theo Colborn
- threats chemicals pose to public health
- Timothy J. Skone
- Tom Fowler
- Town of Tusten
- toxic chemicals
- toxic petroleum distillates
- toxic wastewater
- tradable permits
- Truth about Gas Drilling
- Two Conflicting Studies
- U.S Safe Drinking Water Act
- U.S. Energy Information Administration
- U.S. Geological Survey
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
- unconventional formations
- unconventional gas drilling
- Unconventional Oil & Gas Operators are Developing a Comprehensive Media Relations Strategy
- underground pollution
- undiscovered Marcellus shale natural gas
- Undiscovered Oil and Gas
- United States District Court
- University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
- University of Quebec
- Unplugged Wells
- Unregulated Well Drilling
- Upper Delaware Council
- Urban Design Lab
- urban gas drilling
- US natural gas reserves cut
- video
- Village of Belle Terre
- volatile organic compounds
- War on Truth
- Waste
- Waste and Disposal
- waste evaporation
- Water
- water contamination
- water pollution
- Water Quality
- water supply is endangered
- water testing program
- Water Tests
- Watershed
- Waxman
- Wayne County
- well blowout
- wellhead
- wells and drilling
- Wells Drilled Within Watershed
- western experience
- western PA municipalities regarding HB1950
- Wildlife
- workers
- Working Partnerships
- Wyo.
- Zoning
- zoning districts
- zoning laws
- zoning ordinance