July 13, 2024

3 Farmers, 2 Generations, 1 Perspective

If there is going to be food, then water must be protected!

Three Sullivan County farmers gave public comments at the June 5 DRBC meeting in Narrowsburg, NY: Wes Gillingham, Iris Fen Gillingham and Eugene Thalmann. All three spoke of …

May 19, 2024

Save the Date: Rare DRBC Meeting Wed. June 5 in Narrowsburg, NY

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) will hold its second-quarter business meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 10:30 AM. This meeting is open to the public and will be held at the Tusten Theatre, 210 Bridge Street, Narrowsburg, NY.

November 14, 2023

DCS Comments at Nov. 13 DRBC Hearing on Rule Changes

I made the comments below at the Nov.13 DRBC hearing on its proposed rule changes. YOU can submit written comments from now until Nov. 30. PLEASE DO SO. The proposed rule changes will have a negative impact on our environment

November 7, 2023

Say NO to DRBC Rule Changes that Threaten Public Input

Fight for Open Government!

Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Rule Changes Threaten Public Input on Environmental Impacts

Proposed Rulemaking to shut down public disclosure and participation in the decisions that the DRBC makes regarding the Delaware River, the Delaware River

June 20, 2023

DRBC: Allow Remote Participation for Public Comments

The letter below, supported by most members of the Delaware River Coalition, is a DCS initiative with input from our lawyer, Lauren Williams, and disability rights attorney, Laura Caravello. It asks for the resumption of remote commenting at DRBC business

May 14, 2023

When We Need a Lawyer to Get the Job Done

When we need a lawyer to get the job done.

DCS has worked with some excellent environmental attorneys over the years, the latest being Lauren Williams, to keep fracking out of the Delaware River Basin. Together, with your support,

May 13, 2023

How Niggling About a Definition Kept Poison Out of Your Backyard

What’s in a name? How niggling about a definition kept poison out of your backyard.

Sharp eyes at DCS, and brilliant legal advocacy, get the DRBC to close a gaping loophole in their regulations, keeping toxic frack waste out

May 1, 2023

A Remarkable DCS Accomplishment Related to the Whole Delaware Basin

Keeping drilling flow-back/wastewater (brine) out of the river valley and off our roads

DRBC clarifies waste rules in response to DCS challenge: ‘Conventional’ label no longer a loophole.

In January 2023, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) filed a legal complaint

April 30, 2023

Agency Clarifies Frack Waste Ban in Delaware River Watershed

Sued by DCS, the DRBC agreed to clarify their regulations to make clear that wastewater from all fracking sites, not just unconventional gas wells, is banned in the Basin.
By Michael Rubinkam, Associated Press, April 28, 2023

An environmental group …

January 11, 2023

DCS Requests Court to Void DRBC Wastewater Exemptions

UPDATED April 23: The DRBC filed a motion to dismiss the DCS complaint (see below), which DCS has voluntarily accepted. Why has DCS accepted? Because the DRBC has conceded 90% of what we were asking for, without us having to

December 12, 2022

An Impending Mess: DRBC and the Media Spin the New Fracking Rules

Words can’t hide an impending mess – don’t believe the spin from the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) and the media coverage of the DRBC’s December 7, 2022 regulatory changes.

Yes, the media had to get coverage of the DRBC …

December 8, 2022

WTF? Loopholes in DRBC Fracking Rules Put Us at Risk

DRBC’s new rules governing fracking (see the press release) are disingenuous – they are not a positive step and will not protect the resources of the Delaware River Basin as the DRBC is mandated to do. These new …

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