August 17, 2011

DCS Files NEPA Lawsuit Emphasizing Need for Health Impact Assessment


Advocacy group seeks a full environmental impact review for Delaware River Basin Commission prior to adopting any gas development regulations

Seeking to protect the Delaware River Basin and the health of the millions …

August 16, 2011

Delaware RiverKeeper, et al File Lawsuit

Delaware Riverkeeper Press Release

Groups File Suit Against Army Corps and Delaware River Basin Commission Over Gas Drilling Regulations; Lawsuit charges that an analysis must be completed and environmental impacts understood before drilling moves forward in the Delaware River Basin.

May 25, 2011

Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

Gerald J. Kauffman, University of Delaware Water Resources Agency

Executive Summary
What do the Guggenheim Museum, Boeing, Sunoco, Campbell’s Soup, DuPont, Wawa, Starbucks, Iron Hill Brewery, Philadelphia Eagles, Camelback Ski Area, Pt. Pleasant Canoe Livery, Salem Nuclear Power Plant, and …

February 10, 2011

Groups File Federal Lawsuit Against Delaware River Basin Commission

Federal Lawsuit Filed by Partnership of Organizations …

Groups File Federal Gas Drilling Lawsuit against DRBC; Delaware River Basin Commission Served Notice; Federal Circut Judge Assigned to Case – [Court Date To Be Announced]:  Honorable Anne E. Thompson.

United States

February 2, 2011

Hinchey, Holt Urge DRBC to Suspend Hydrofracking Rulemaking Process

Maurice Hinchey Press Release

Lawmakers Cite Previously Undisclosed Diesel Fuel Risks Detailed in New House Energy and Commerce Committee Report

Washington, DC – Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Congressman Rush Holt (NJ-12) today urged the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) …

January 23, 2011

Have Public Servants Charged with Protecting Drinking Water for 15 Million People Sold Out to the Gas Drilling Industry?

Nora Eisenberg, Alternet

Environmentalists are squaring off against the gas drilling industry, but the playing field does not appear to be level.

Over the past decade, 34 states have succumbed to the hazardous and largely unregulated hydraulic fracturing (widely known …

December 14, 2010

DRBC hearing on some gas wells will be limited after groups withdraw

BY LAURA LEGERE, Scranton Times Tribune

Administrative hearings to address the status of exploratory shale gas wells in the Delaware River watershed have been narrowed in scope, and may be canceled, after a Wayne County property owners group and the …

December 9, 2010

Northeast Regulator Eases Proposed Natural Gas Drilling Curbs

By MIKE SORAGHAN of New York Times Greenwire

Regulators charged with protecting the watershed for New York City and the Philadelphia region today backed off from their toughest restrictions on Marcellus Shale drilling, but still proposed measures stricter than existing …

December 7, 2010

Commissioner Martin calls for safeguards on Marcellus shale gas-drilling to protect Delaware River

NJ DEP News Release

Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin today reaffirmed the state’s position that clear and stringent standards must be put in place to protect the resources of the Delaware River before natural-gas drilling in a geologic …

December 6, 2010

Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling

by Marie C. Baca, ProPublica

For more than two years, the natural gas drilling debate has focused primarily on the use of hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells. But expert testimony submitted for a government hearing next month challenges long-held assumptions …

November 2, 2010

Arbitrary and capricious

River Reporter Editorial

At the public comment portion of the UDC meeting on February 3, Barbara Arrindell of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) asked Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) representative Clarke Rupert whether the agency considers public comments on proposed …

March 27, 2010

Philadelphia Seeks Ban on Gas Drilling Method

Philadelphia seeks ban on natgas-drilling method
By Jon Hurdle, Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:37pm EDT

(Reuters) – Philadelphia officials asked a state regulator on Thursday to ban the natural-gas drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing until its environmental effects, especially …

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