DCS submitted extensive comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge to PennDOT and the Federal Highway Administration on Feb. 3, 2025, outlining their “persistent refusal to follow established statutory and regulatory environmental and historic preservation review processes”. The introduction to these …
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Petition to be delivered to PHMSA on March 31, 2022, so please sign before then.
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety …
By Alexander C. Kaufman, The Huffington Post, October 21, 2021
After months of waiting, environmental groups responded with disappointment tinged with …
By Catherine Morehouse, June 23, 2021, UtilityDive
Dive Brief:
- A three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday vacated a federal order granting a $287 million Midwest
Biden’s executive order “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis” (“Restoring Science”), issued January 20, has received bafflingly little publicity. In effect, it orders federal agencies to take out the regulatory trash …
By Kevin Robillard, HuffingtonPost, January 24, 2021
Read the order “Modernizing Regulatory Review”.
On his first day in office, President Joe
By Earthworks
The oil and gas industry is exempt from key provisions of seven major federal environmental laws — allowing practices that would otherwise be illegal. Some exemptions date back …
Under the Global Change Research Act of 1990, the U.S. Global …
By Robert Walton, UtilityDive, January 12, 2018
Finally, a FERC decision that does NOT support the oil and gas industry!
Dive Brief:
- The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission yesterday declined to overturn a New
US Environmental Protection Agency
Since the first draft of the EPA’s study on the impact of fracking on drinking water, DCS …
DCS has been involved in the EPA study since it was first proposed by NY Congressman Hinchey in 2009. We have submitted strong and detailed comments at every opportunity and gotten many scientists and impacted citizens to also testify about …
A compressor station for the Millennium pipeline has been proposed in Eldred, NY, and is now before the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC). This compressor station is opposed by many local groups on health, quality of life, environmental and economic …