
August 6, 2022

In Honor and Memory of Randy Moyers

Dear Damascus,

“Halliburton n’at is trying to train all these kids in the schools around here. Are you getting kicked in the head or what? Wake up! Hello! Come in! That’s not a job, that’s a death camp.”

– Randy

June 19, 2016

New Film by Josh Fox at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, June 25


at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, NY
7 p.m. on Saturday June 25

To reserve seats please rsvp to:
Donations requested
Josh Fox and a panel after the film

The science on climate change is telling us we need …

September 3, 2015

Gasland: HBO Documentary Key Driver of Opposition to Fracking

Study finds Gasland, dedicated to Damascus Citizens, reshaped public perception and triggered opposition to fracking
The Guardian, September 2, 2015

Gasland is Dedicated to DCS 2

University of Iowa researchers are the first to use the Internet and social media to systematically show how a documentary

July 9, 2013

Josh Fox to President Obama: "Meet With Us"

An Open Letter to President Obama from Gasland Director Josh Fox

Dear President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Moniz, Heather Zichal and Valerie Jarrett,

I write to request a meeting with you and families directly impacted by oil and gas …

June 29, 2013

Ecological Theologian Reviews Gasland 2

Reverend Schade Discusses the Ethical Framework of Gasland 2
By The Rev. Leah Schade, EcoPreacher, June 22, 2013

I attended the premier of the documentary Gasland II at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport, PA, the bustling heart of frackdom …

June 13, 2013

A Conversation with Josh Fox

Josh Fox discusses his new documentary, Gasland 2
By Chris Potter, Pittsburgh City Paper, June 12, 2013

Josh FoxJosh Fox’s 2010 debut film, Gasland, is best known for the image of homeowners setting their own tapwater on fire. And with

May 23, 2013

Gasland 2 Premiere in Illinois

Highlights Industry PSYOPS and Ongoing Fracking Fights
By Steve Horn,, May 21, 2013

DeSmogBlog partnered with Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Mark Fiore to produce this spoof video in the vein of Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now”,  “Frackalypse Now”.

Gasland 2” …

February 5, 2012

Josh Fox Arrested at Hearing on Fracking

“Gasland” Director Josh Fox Arrested at Congressional Hearing on Natural Gas Fracking
By Democracy Now, February 2, 2012

The Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Josh Fox was handcuffed and arrested Wednesday as he attempted to film a congressional hearing on the controversial …

December 30, 2011

Award winning documentary GASLAND

From Gasland:

Barbara Arrindell, Joe Levine, Jane Cyphers, Pat Carullo, Ron Hine, James Barth
and the rest of the gang….

Josh Fox’s GASLAND is a film about the devastating health impacts of …

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