July 10, 2024

Campaign for a Safe and Healthy CA Scores Big Win Against Big Oil

After Spending $61 Million in a Failed Effort to Deceive Voters, Big Oil Withdraws Referendum in Defeat

THIS is a big deal! California health and environmental activists got a law passed in 2022 whose implementation was blocked by Big Oil

May 18, 2024

Dumped On: Do YOU Live in a DEP Disposal Facility?

PRESS RELEASE   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                    Release date: May 18, 2024
Contact: B. Arrindell, dcs@DamascusCitizens.org, 845-252-6677

Do You Live in a DEP Disposal Facility?
237 places in PA and 8 in NY are!

Download the full press release, with references

January 10, 2024

Should Toxic Gas Drilling Waste Be Spread on PA Roads?

Should toxic wastewater from gas drilling be spread on PA roads as a dust and snow suppressant? Members of a gas industry advisory council would like the Department of Environmental Protection to consider the practice. The DEP has yet to
December 27, 2023

NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act

DCS was an active part of getting the New York Birds and Bees Protection Act passed and signed. DCS was part of the brainstorming and activism for this act, including filing comments on the various drafts, encouraging people to sign

November 14, 2023

DCS Comments at Nov. 13 DRBC Hearing on Rule Changes

I made the comments below at the Nov.13 DRBC hearing on its proposed rule changes. YOU can submit written comments from now until Nov. 30. PLEASE DO SO. The proposed rule changes will have a negative impact on our environment

November 8, 2023

PA Gov.’s Agreement with Fracker Will Harm People’s Health

Gov. Shapiro Announces Agreement with CNX on Fracking Health Measures, Says New Regulations Coming

As PA Attorney General, Mr. Shapiro was actually face to face with people impacted by fracking. What money compensates for someone losing their health or a

August 3, 2023

Take A Deep Breath! Now Think What You Just Inhaled. If You Live Along A Dirt Road You Could Be Inhaling Oil & Gas Wastewater.

Guest essay by Siri Lawson, who lives along a dirt road in northwest PA.
By Siri Lawson, PA Environment Digest Blog, August 2, 2023

We have dodged this particular bullet here in the Delaware River Basin, thanks in part to

December 12, 2022

An Impending Mess: DRBC and the Media Spin the New Fracking Rules

Words can’t hide an impending mess – don’t believe the spin from the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) and the media coverage of the DRBC’s December 7, 2022 regulatory changes.

Yes, the media had to get coverage of the DRBC …

December 8, 2022

WTF? Loopholes in DRBC Fracking Rules Put Us at Risk

DRBC’s new rules governing fracking (see the press release) are disingenuous – they are not a positive step and will not protect the resources of the Delaware River Basin as the DRBC is mandated to do. These new …

December 2, 2022

As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health

A growing number of studies are pointing to a link between hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and health problems.
By Jon Hurdle, Yale Environment 360, November 17, 2022

This bears out what DCS has been saying since our inception in 2008: Fracking

November 18, 2022

The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants

In September, a coalition of Scientists, Activists, and Families, called SAFE, traveled to DC to call out the EPA:

STOP working for corporations and start working for people!
CHEMICALS are polluting our water, air, and soil, and making us sick.…

August 6, 2022

In Honor and Memory of Randy Moyers

Dear Damascus,

“Halliburton n’at is trying to train all these kids in the schools around here. Are you getting kicked in the head or what? Wake up! Hello! Come in! That’s not a job, that’s a death camp.”

– Randy

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