November 7, 2011

ATSDR Leroy Township report finds elevated well water chemicals – Exact cause of elevated levels unclear

Bradford County, Leroy Township, Pennsylvania
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) investigated the water quality of seven residential wells surrounding the Chesapeake ATGAS 2H natural gas well site in Leroy …

September 3, 2011

Breast Cancer Rates Jump in the Barnett Shale

SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 by concerned64

map of Texas showing breast cancer rates


by TXsharon on August 31, 2011

Time and time again, we’ve heard from the industry, State of Texas leaders, and local government …

June 18, 2011

PA Wants Gas Drilling Illness Database

The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register

Registry would be first of its kind in nation

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – Gov. Tom Corbett’s top health adviser said Friday that he wants to make Pennsylvania the first state to create a registry to …

May 6, 2011

Report: hundreds of gas wells drilled near schools, hospitals

BY LAURA LEGERE, Scranton Times-Tribune

A state environmental group is calling on lawmakers to restrict natural gas drilling near places people live, learn and work after it released a study Thursday showing hundreds of wells have been planned or drilled …

March 8, 2011

Does natural gas drilling make people sick?

David Frey, High Country News

Residents of Battlement Mesa, a sprawling housing development in western Colorado, are used to seeing the golf course from their windows, not gas rigs. But when an energy company announced plans to start drilling inside …

October 1, 2010

The Whole Fracking Enchilada

Violating the bedrock, the atmosphere, and everything in between
By Sandra Steingraber, Orion magazine, September/October 2010

I HAVE COME to believe that extracting natural gas from shale using the newish technique called hydrofracking is the environmental issue of our time. …

September 10, 2010

Natural Gas Operations From a Public Health Perspective

Theo Colborn, Carol Kwiatkowski, Kim Schultz, and Mary Bachran

The technology to recover natural gas depends on undisclosed types and amounts of toxic chemicals. A list of 944 products containing 632 chemicals used during natural gas operations was compiled. …

July 26, 2010

Urban Air Pollutants Can Damage IQs before Baby's First Breath

A study in Krakow, Poland, corroborates New York City findings that link children’s lower IQ scores with mothers’ exposure to compounds created by burning fossil fuels

 By Marla Cone, Emily Elert and Environmental Health News

 In a sweltering summer in …

June 23, 2010

A Colossal Fracking Mess

The dirty truth behind the new natural gas.
By Christopher Bateman (Vanity Fair)

Early on a spring morning in the town of Damascus, in northeastern Pennsylvania, the fog on the Delaware River rises to form a mist that hangs above …

June 19, 2010

Onshore Drilling Disasters Waiting to Happen: An Interview With 'Gasland' Director Josh Fox

Onshore Drilling Disasters Waiting to Happen: An Interview With ‘Gasland’ Director Josh Fox
By Nora Eisenberg, The Nation, June 17, 2010

Theater and film director Josh Fox’s documentary Gasland explores the new generation of natural gas drilling, which for a …

June 12, 2010

As Urban Gas Drilling Expands, So Do Health Concerns

Asher Price, American Statesman Staff

Texas Environmental Agency Accused of Lax Monitoring, Lack of Transparency

On a carved-out hillside beside Tandy Hills , one of the last undisturbed prairies in eastern Fort Worth, sits a gas drilling site belonging to …

April 23, 2010

Tainted Water Spurs Evacuations

Tainted Water Spurs Evacuations
By BEN CASSELMAN, The Wall Street Journal, April 21, 2010

Hundreds of people living near a natural-gas drilling site in northwest Louisiana have been forced to evacuate their homes after gas seeped into their drinking water.…

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