November 7, 2018

Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard

A variety of methods are currently being employed to dispose of oil and gas well brine (OGB), a byproduct of all gas and oil drilling, including conventional and fracked wells. One such practice is spreading OGB on unpaved roads for …

September 11, 2018

Secret Chemicals Used in Fracking

Download the Report as a pdf.
Read more about the report online.
Download this Media Advisory as a pdf.
See below for an Executive Summary of the Report

MEDIA ADVISORY: September 11, 2018

NEW REPORT: Secret Chemicals Used in

January 27, 2018

Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has proposed a ban on fracking in the Delaware River Basin. This is great news, and a tribute to all who have worked so hard for 10 years to achieve this milestone. The DRBC

October 14, 2017

DCS is Back in Court, Fighting for the Health of DRB Residents!

DCS supports the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) as the WLMG appeals the dismissal of its case against them.

The Wayne Land and Mineral Group’s (WLMG) challenge to the DRBC’s regulatory authority was dismissed on March 23, 2017. They filed

August 1, 2017

Tell Your Governor: Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Residents of Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania:
Have a house-party! Bring these materials to any gathering – with postcards or letter writing materials and get LOTS of friends, neighbors, fellow gardeners, friends at church, civic groups…at a tableing

June 23, 2017

Fracked Gas Exposes Families in PA and NY to Radioactivity


DCS responded to the NY DEC radioactivity and solid waste regulation changes with important comments

Download DCS comments on Part 380 amendments as a

February 20, 2017

Live in the DRB? DCS is Fighting for Your Health!

Victory! Case dismissed! Court rules that the DRBC can regulate fracking in the Basin. Plaintiff may appeal.

In May of 2016 the Wayne Land and Mineral Group filed suit in federal court challenging the authority of the Delaware River Basin

January 26, 2017

Methane Plumes Downwind of Natural Gas Compressor Stations

Here we present in situ measurements of ambient methane concentrations near multiple natural gas compressor stations in NY and PA
By Bryce F. Payne Jr, Robert Ackley, A. Paige Wicker, Zacariah L. Hildenbrand, Doug D. Carlton Jr, Kevin A. Schug,
January 24, 2017

Hidden Data Suggests Fracking Created Widespread, Systemic Impact in PA

January 4, 2017

Fracking Contamination Case Can Go to Trial

A Wyoming family who claim a natural gas company contaminated their drinking water will be allowed to take their case to trial, a federal judge has ruled
By Benjamin Storrow, E&E News, January 3, 2017

A Wyoming family who claim …

December 1, 2016

Tell the EPA to Tell the Truth About Fracking

DCS has been involved in the EPA study since it was first proposed by NY Congressman Hinchey in 2009. We have submitted strong and detailed comments at every opportunity and gotten many scientists and impacted citizens to also testify about

November 2, 2016

Amish Oppose Use of Drilling 'Brine' Wastewater on Roads

The Amish are worried about their wells, about their water, about the industrial smell, about having to drive their buggies through it, and their health
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 30, 2016

See the closing 4 paragraphs for quotes

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