November 29, 2014

Fracking Risk Compared to Thalidomide and Asbestos

Historic innovations that have been adopted too hastily with grave unforeseen impacts provide cautionary examples for potential side effects of fracking
By Adam Vaughan, The Guardian, November 28, 2014

Fracking carries potential risks on a par with those from thalidomide, …

November 19, 2014

Bad Air Day

Around North Texas parks and playgrounds, children are breathing dangerous doses of toxic fumes from gas industry sites
By Peter Gorman, Fort Worth Weekly, October 1, 2014

On a crisp Saturday morning, Delga Park, just north of downtown Fort Worth, …

October 13, 2014

Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing

See the 2011 Congressional Report Below

Although Baker Hughes, Inc. has received kudos for promising to disclose at, “all the chemicals” they use in gas extraction, questions about the value of the promise are being raised.

In March …

October 11, 2014

DCS Letter to Susan G. Komen re: Fracking

pinkdrill sm

DCS is protesting the recent decision by Susan G. Komen to partner with fracker Baker Hughes (see our letter below). Please join in this protest by writing a letter, for the greatest impact, or sending an email. Feel free to …

October 10, 2014

Shale Gas Development and Infant Health

Evidence from Pennsylvania
Elaine L. Hill, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
August 2014


This research exploits the introduction of shale gas wells in Pennsylvania in response to growing controversy around the drilling method of hydraulic fracturing. …

October 6, 2014

FERC Approves NY Methane Storage Project

Independent analysis concludes, over 25 years, “the likelihood of a disaster of extremely serious consequences is more than 35%”
By Peter Mantius, DC Bureau, October 3, 2014

Download the Independent Risk Analysis as a pdf

Brushing aside warnings of dangerous …

October 4, 2014

Frac Sand Rush Threatens American Towns

Residents, advocates and scientists warn of risks posed by the frac sand boom
By Lynne Peeples, Huffington Post, September 30, 2014

Victoria Trinko hasn’t opened the windows of her Wisconsin home in two years — for fear of the dust …

September 25, 2014

The Road to Damascus

On DCS, the People’s Climate March and “a well-watered place”
By Stephen Love, Daily Kos, September 24, 2014

I first left my mother for extended periods of time in the Fall of 1964 when I entered kindergarten. I grew up …

September 18, 2014

Proposed Monaca, PA Chemical Plant Threatens Residents

See comments from Jim Argo, PhD, below.

You are Invited – Shell Proposed Petrochemical Community Meeting: Air Quality and Safety

As part of the planning and evaluation process for our proposed petrochemical facility in Beaver county, Shell is hosting community …

September 17, 2014

Fracking Workers Exposed to Dangerous Amounts of Benzene

Some workers are routinely exposed to high levels of benzene, a colorless gas that can cause cancer
By Neela Banerjee, Los Angeles Times, September 11, 2014

Some workers at oil and gas sites where fracking occurs are routinely exposed to …

August 29, 2014

Time is Short to Avert Shale Industry’s Imminent Radioactive Dilemma

“The more we drill, the more radioactive matter we bring to the surface, and the less idea we have of what to do with it.”
By Shane Thielges,, August 28, 2014

radioactivePA, NY, OH and WV Residents Note: The

August 4, 2014

Leaked Documents Show Fracking Concerns

NY county health departments prepare reports on the burden natural-gas drilling could place on their operations and express concerns about the state’s ongoing review of hydraulic fracturing
Jon Campbell, Stargazette, July 1, 2014

Download the documents. Note: These documents are

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