
July 23, 2019

Is Shale Gas a Major Driver of Recent Increase in Global Atmospheric Methane?

By Robert W. Howarth
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853


Methane has been rising rapidly in the atmosphere over the past decade, contributing to global climate change. Unlike the late 20th Century when the …

February 12, 2017

Study Finds Rise in Methane in PA Gas Country

Readings showed a rise in the potent greenhouse gas from 2012 to 2015, and the region’s boom in natural gas production is likely to blame
By Zahra Hirji, Inside Climate News, February 11, 2017

Read more on this topic from

January 26, 2017

Methane Plumes Downwind of Natural Gas Compressor Stations

Here we present in situ measurements of ambient methane concentrations near multiple natural gas compressor stations in NY and PA
By Bryce F. Payne Jr, Robert Ackley, A. Paige Wicker, Zacariah L. Hildenbrand, Doug D. Carlton Jr, Kevin A. Schug,
March 25, 2016

Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry

Our leaders thought fracking would save our climate. They were wrong. Very wrong.
By Bill McKibben, The Nation, 3/23/16

Global warming is, in the end, not about the noisy political battles here on the planet’s surface. It actually happens in …

March 12, 2016

EPA Will Limit Methane from Existing Oil and Gas Facilities

No credible plan to combat climate change can ignore methane emissions
By Casey Coates Danson, Climate Progress, March 10, 2016

The EPA will limit methane emissions from existing oil and gas facilities — a huge move by the federal agency, …

February 18, 2016

How Bad of a Greenhouse Gas Is Methane?

The global warming potential of the gaseous fossil fuel may be consistently underestimated
By Gayathri Vaidyanathan, ClimateWire, December 22, 2015

Letter [HERE] from Bryce F. Payne Jr., PhD et al to President Obama on methane emissions.
This article was written

February 1, 2016

CO & CA: Getting Gassed Together

The BIG NEWS was that two Colorado cities told the oil boys to take a hike
by Philip Doe, Counter Punch, January 29, 2016

In the past few weeks, something truly unusual happened here in Colorado.

It wasn’t that the …

January 31, 2016

As US Rushes to Build Gas Lines, Failure Rate of New Pipes Has Spiked

New pipelines are failing at a rate on par with gas transmission lines installed before the 1940s
By Sarah Smith, SNL Financial, September 9, 2015

The push to build new pipelines to transport abundant shale supplies appears to be having …

January 24, 2016

Rapid Method for Measuring Area Methane Emissions

Funding and additional support for this paper was provided by DCS
Data for this paper came from the NYC methane work supported by DCS
Download the full paper


December 31, 2015

Video Makes Visible CA’s Unseen Natural Gas Disaster

A huge methane leak near Los Angeles is spewing tens of thousands of pounds of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every hour
By Todd Woody, TakePart, December 29, 2015

See all the work DCS has done on methane baselines.

More …

December 11, 2015

Letter to President Obama on Methane Emissions

Below is a very important letter regarding the potentially severe mistake of conflating all greenhouse gases to CO2 equivalents using a 100 year time period in the current UNFCCC emissions reporting system. Methane (the major short lived greenhouse gas) expends …

December 7, 2015

Massive Natural Gas Storage Leak Alarms CA Residents, Climate Activists

Rupture at Aliso Canyon natural gas storage site has released the equivalent of 800,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide and won’t be plugged for another 3 months
By Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian, December 4, 2015

It’s the climate equivalent of …

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