May 18, 2024

Dumped On: Do YOU Live in a DEP Disposal Facility?

PRESS RELEASE   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                    Release date: May 18, 2024
Contact: B. Arrindell,, 845-252-6677

Do You Live in a DEP Disposal Facility?
237 places in PA and 8 in NY are!

Download the full press release, with references

December 27, 2023

NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act

DCS was an active part of getting the New York Birds and Bees Protection Act passed and signed. DCS was part of the brainstorming and activism for this act, including filing comments on the various drafts, encouraging people to sign

November 22, 2022

DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY

DCS Joins Forces with the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Pollinator Pathway to help PASS THE BIRDS & BEES PROTECTION ACT in New York.

DCS has been protecting public health, educating individuals, officials and organizations, and taking precautionary actions

November 8, 2021

Protect New York’s Birds, Bees, Water, and Health from Neonics

The following is a Neonic Fact Sheet prepared by a coalition of environmental groups, including DCS. Additional information can be found here:

October 28, 2021

NY DEC Denies Permit for Danskammer Power Plant near Newburgh

Proposed plant expansion did not meet greenhouse gas limits demanded by state’s climate law, officials say
By Cloey Callahan, Time Union, October 27, 2021

The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) denied operating permits for both Danskammer and Astoria gas

August 31, 2020

DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information

This year’s election is extremely important and so is your vote. In light of this, DCS will be posting information on early and mail in voting for the 4 Delaware River Basin states: Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

August 25, 2020

NY State Legislation Classifies Frack Waste as Hazardous

The League of Women Voters of NYS, with avid input and inspiration from DCS Director Barbara Arrindell and member Marge Schab, pushed for this legislation from its introduction in 2011 until this year when it passed.

The logic was to

January 5, 2009

Local Boards of Health Have Considerable Powers in New York State

Damascus Citizens for Sustainability

According to the lead attorney for Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS), Richard Lippes, local boards of health in New York State have considerable powers to abate a nuisance created by gas drilling. Lippes explained that in …

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