From the PRESS RELEASE: Covering the public roads in the area around the Minisink compressor site, GasSafetyUSA recorded and established that there are currently only normal low levels of pre-existing methane in Minisink (Download the Report as a …
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A message from Bill McKibben of
Today was the day. Finally, powerfully, decisively — the movement to stop climate change has come together.
This was the biggest climate change rally in US history. By our count, 50,000 people …
Joint statement by Bruce Baizel, Director of Earthworks’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project, and Dusty Horwitt, Senior Counsel for Environmental Working Group, EWG
WASHINGTON – January 17 – A report yesterday by the Associated Press that the U.S. Environmental Protection …
Published: January 27, 2013
Dr. Gary Ramage treating a patient at McKenzie County Hospital in Watford City, N.D. The hospital now averages 400 emergency room visits per month. –Matthew Staver for The New York Times
By WKTV News, Jan. 9, 2013
Over 1,500 New Yorkers from every corner of the state descended on Albany Wednesday to rally …
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica, Dec. 11, 2012
Federal officials have given energy and mining companies permission to pollute aquifers in more than 1,500 places across the country, releasing toxic material into underground reservoirs that help
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Nov. 1, 2012
CLICK HERE: This article ties fracking and renewable …
By Jesse Newman, The New York Times, Oct. 11, 2012
The most basic thing that photography does is visually describe what can be seen. The problem facing photographers of the Marcellus Shale Documentary Project is that what …
By Danny Hakim, The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2012
A few months after Gov. Andrew M. Cuomowas poised to approve hydraulic fracturing in several struggling …
By Laura Legere, The Scranton Times-Tribune, Sept. 30, 2012
This is parallel to what is happening in Leroy, PA
Related Article: Cabot …