HARRISBURG, April 30 – House Democrats today launched a renewed effort to fix Gov. Tom Corbett’s industry-friendly Marcellus Shale law (Act 13), offering a six-point plan – …
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By Karen Langley, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Bureau, April 21, 2012
HARRISBURG — A Commonwealth Court judge on Friday denied …
By Delaware Riverkeeper Network, April 11, 2012
Seven municipalities and the Delaware …
By Deanna Garcia, Essential Public Radio, March 30, 2012
Public health advocates and some environmental groups are crying foul over a provision in Act 13. The groups claim the wording in the law, …
By Kevin Begos, Associated Press, February 24, 2012
EVANS CITY, Pa. (AP) — A woman says state environmental officials refused to do follow-up tests after their lab reported her drinking water …
With action – call as many PA legislators as you can (FIND them here).
– Especially these two top Republican senators (Floor Leader, Whip) …
On Thursday, January 26th, more than 40 sportsmen’s groups representing 100,000-plus hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts sent a letter to Corbett asking that he not allow any more state forest land to be leased for oil and gas development.
View …
December 13th Town Hall Mtg for ALL Municipalities in Western PA Regarding HB1950
The much discussed meeting for all local officials in all western PA municipalities has been scheduled for December 13th.
Please make sure you phone, email, drop in, …
Amwell Township is a 44-square-mile plot of steep ravines and grassy pasturelands planted with alfalfa, trefoil and timothy in the southwestern corner …
Started in September, 2010 and has not stopped.
This is only one of quite a few “incidents,” but is what is the focus here — more examples like Dimock, PA, or the Tioga gas field, or Schreiner in western, PA, …
Registry would be first of its kind in nation
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – Gov. Tom Corbett’s top health adviser said Friday that he wants to make Pennsylvania the first state to create a registry to …
Chesapeake Energy has successfully replaced a wellhead that was defective and had caused a blowout with fracking fluid escaping from a well in Leroy Township near Canton in Bradford County, PA last week. Over a two day period, fracking fluid …