By Torsten Ove, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Saturday, June 05, 2010
Natural gas and drilling fluids escaped for hours from an out-of-control Marcellus shale well in a remote area of Clearfield County before …
Natural gas and drilling fluids escaped for hours from an out-of-control Marcellus shale well in a remote area of Clearfield County before …
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Natural gas and fracturing fluid from an out-of-control Pennsylvania well shot 75 feet into the air before crews could tame the …
Earth hadn’t seen its first dinosaur when an enormous river system …
We probably all agree that if gas drilling is to be done in the Upper Delaware, a precious watershed that provides fresh water to 25 million …
As more gas wells are drilled in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale, more cases of toxic spills are being reported. Earlier this month, Pennsylvania’s environmental officials …
(Reuters) – A Pennsylvania landowner is suing an energy company for polluting his soil and water in an attempt to link a natural gas drilling …
Pat Carullo’s voice bursts from the phone. He’s yelling.
“There’ll be thousands of trucks driving trough 20,000 …
After three chemical spills in the past nine days, and following a history of environmental problems over the last …
When methane began bubbling out of kitchen taps near a gas drilling site in Pennsylvania last winter, a state regulator …
(Reuters) – Pennsylvania’s top environmental official said on Friday that a natural gas drilling boom would inevitably result in some environmental damage including possible …
CLARION — The U.S. Forest Service hasn’t OK’d any new gas or oil wells in the Allegheny National Forest for almost two months, delaying oil …
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — With the unprecedented wave of deep-well, natural-gas drilling occurring across much of Pennsylvania, care must be taken …