November 2, 2016

Amish Oppose Use of Drilling 'Brine' Wastewater on Roads

The Amish are worried about their wells, about their water, about the industrial smell, about having to drive their buggies through it, and their health
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 30, 2016

See the closing 4 paragraphs for quotes

October 28, 2016

PA Doctors Call for State Ban on Drilling and Fracking

The Pennsylvania Medical Society’s 300-member House of Delegates unanimously approved a resolution calling for the fracking moratorium
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 28, 2016

The Pennsylvania Medical Society has called for a moratorium on new shale gas drilling and

September 30, 2016

Law Unfairly Gave Shale Drillers 'Special' Treatment, PA Supreme Court Rules

Court declares that Act 13 is an unconstitutional “special law” that benefits specific groups or industries
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 29, 2016

Download the Court’s decision as a pdf.
Download a related article from the Observer-Reporter as a

May 31, 2016

YOUR SUPPORT NEEDED for New PA Oil and Gas Regulations

View a summary of the new Pennslyvania oil and gas regulations

A five year process has culminated in some significant changes to the rules governing Pennsylvania’s oil and gas industry. With the approval of chapter 78/78A regulations, drillers will …

February 21, 2016

PA Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported

What’s clear is that fracking causes damage to private drinking water wells
By Laurel Peltier, Baltimore Fishbowl, January 28, 2016

The headline flew around the globe like wild fire.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published their long-awaited draft fracking

February 10, 2016

PA State Board OKs New Oil and Gas Regulations

Major revisions to strengthen the state’s oil and gas regulations approved
By Laura Legere, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, February 3, 2016

Pennsylvania’s environmental rule-making body approved major revisions to strengthen the state’s oil and gas regulations on Wednesday at the end of …

February 5, 2016

PA Fracker Can't Keep Pollution Tests From Residents

Residents near a Range Resources fracking operation can seek records of air monitoring and other pollution tests that a consultant performed at company gas wells and related facilities
By Matt Fair, Law360, January 29, 2016

Residents near a Range Resources

October 6, 2015

Study Links Foam in Water Wells to Shale Well Sites

White foam in NE PA water wells likely was caused by Marcellus Shale gas well sites
By Laura Legere, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 4, 2015

White foam in northeastern Pennsylvania water wells likely was caused by Marcellus Shale gas well sites …

October 4, 2015

Public Herald Finds PA DEP Fracking Complaint Investigations Are “Cooked” & Shredded

After a 30-month analysis, a Public Herald investigation shows how PA officials have kept drinking water contamination “off the books” since fracking began in 2004
by Joshua B. Pribanic & Melissa Troutman, Public Herald, September 15, 2015

Read About PA

August 26, 2015

PA DEP Reaches Penalty Agreements with 3 Natural Gas Exploration Companies

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today announced it has finalized penalty agreements with three natural gas exploration companies for methane gas migration violations that impacted private drinking water wells in Bradford, Lycoming, and Tioga counties.

“These were complex …

July 19, 2015

Study Finds Those Living Near Shale Wells More Likely to be Hospitalized

Residents of 2 NE PA counties with a high density of active shale gas wells were more likely to be admitted to the hospital for heart, nervous system and other medical conditions than residents in neighboring areas with no drilling
June 23, 2015

PA DEP to Investigate Ten Mile Creek for Radioactivity

DEP will investigate to see if there is a possible link between the radioactivity in the creek and shale gas drilling
By Natasha Khan, Observer-Reporter, June 5, 2015

Notice is now being paid to radioactivity in tributaries of the Monongahela

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