The call-in day is set for June 5th to PA State Senators to stress support of a moratorium on gas and oil drilling using hydraulic fracturing. Did you know that recent polls show that 59% of Pennsylvanians view fracking as …
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By Dory Hippauf, No Fracking Way, May 30, 2013
Federal and State agents from the IRS, FBI, PA Attorney General’s office and Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) raided …
By Susan Phillips, StateImpact, May 24, 2013
See the PA DEP Determination Letters that DCS has Obtained (independent of the Times-Tribune’s efforts and after the court cases they …
By Laura Legere, the, May 19, 2013
A number of us heard the news release from the Binghamton NPR station earlier tonight that the PA DEP has decided that the gas in Matt and Tammy Manning’s Franklin Forks water well is NOT from any gas well drilled …
Secretary Michael Krancer is leaving the PA DEP to chair the Energy, Petrochemical and Natural Resources Practice of the law firm Blank Rome, in another example of the revolving door between the gas industry and regulators.
By Public Accountability Initiative, Feb. 20, 2013
The oil and gas industry frequently argues that fracking means jobs. This appears to be especially true for former regulators and other public …
Its contents remain mostly a mystery. But fracking wastewater has revealed one of its secrets: It can be highly radioactive. And yet no agency really regulates its handling, transport or disposal. A four-part series on radiation in fracking wastewater …
By Rachel Morgan, timesonline, Jan. 26, 2013
The idea is only as good as the company, the requested scope (including how and where testing is done) …
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Nov. 1, 2012
CLICK HERE: This article ties fracking and renewable …
By Steve Horn,, Sept. 27, 2012
Earthworks Oil and Gas Accountability Project published a scathing 124-page report this week, “Breaking All the Rules: the Crisis in Oil
By Robert Swift,, Sept. 26, 2012
A Senate Republican leader …