July 25, 2010

Former Oil and Gas Producer Tells NYS to "scrap proposed DEC regulations"…wait for EPA to issue its new guidelines

The Challenges of Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing
James Northrup, Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce Member News

From Otsego 2000

The regulations on hydrofracking proposed by the DEC were written for existing small vertical New York wells – known in the industry as …

June 12, 2010

As Urban Gas Drilling Expands, So Do Health Concerns

Asher Price, American Statesman Staff

Texas Environmental Agency Accused of Lax Monitoring, Lack of Transparency

On a carved-out hillside beside Tandy Hills , one of the last undisturbed prairies in eastern Fort Worth, sits a gas drilling site belonging to …

January 20, 2010

Drilling Around the Law

Dusty Horwitt, Environmental Working Group

Companies that drill for natural gas and oil are skirting federal law and injecting toxic petroleum distillates into thousands of wells, threatening drinking water supplies from Pennsylvania to Wyoming. Federal and state regulators, meanwhile, largely …

December 30, 2009

NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors: Comments on dSGEIS

Conference of Environmental Health Directors (CEHD)

Comments on the draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (dSGEIS) on Gas Drilling in the Marcellus Shale

Dear Mr. Dahl:

The Conference of Environmental Health Directors (CEHD) has reviewed the dSGEIS on Gas Drilling …

July 21, 2009

NYS Department of Health Addresses Concerns on NYS DEC dSGEIS

Edward G. Hom, Ph.D., Director
Division of Environmental Health

To: Bradley Field, Director, Division of Mineral Resources

Dear Mr. Field:

On March 10,2009 you requested that the New York State Department of Health Center for Environmental Health (CEB) review information …

July 8, 2009

Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data

Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data
by Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica, July 8, 2009, 4:55 a.m.

The two key arguments that the oil and gas industry is using to fight federal regulation of the natural gas drilling process called hydraulic …

July 1, 2009

Of Hydraulic Fracturing and Drinking Water

Of Hydraulic Fracturing and Drinking Water
By JEREMY MILLER, The New York Times, June 30, 2009, 10:17 am

A bill introduced earlier this month would bring federal oversight of hydraulic fracturing fluids – chemical mixtures pumped at high pressure into …

May 28, 2009

Natural Gas Politics

Natural Gas Politics
by Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica, May 26, 2009, 8:14 a.m.

Four years after Vice President Dick Cheney spearheaded a massive energy bill that exempted natural gas drilling from federal clean water laws, Congress is having second thoughts about …

May 27, 2009

"Clean" Energy and Poisoned Water

“Clean” Energy and Poisoned Water
by: Chris Hedges, Truthdig.com, Monday 25 May 2009

In the musical “Urinetown,” a severe drought leaves the dwindling supplies of clean water in the hands of a corporation called Urine Good Company. Urine Good Company …

January 26, 2009

Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements

Al Armendariz, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering
Southern Methodist University

Natural gas production in the Barnett Shale region of Texas has increased rapidly since 1999, and as of June 2008, over 7700 oil and gas wells had been …

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