March 9, 2021

The Even More Game-Changing Biden Order You’ve Never Heard About

Biden’s executive order “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis” (“Restoring Science”), issued January 20, has received bafflingly little publicity. In effect, it orders federal agencies to take out the regulatory trash

February 25, 2021

Delaware River Basin Commission Votes to BAN Fracking in the Watershed

Historic Action by the DRBC: It took 13 years to achieve this BAN ON FRACKING in the Delaware River Basin!
By Kathryne Rubright, Pocono Record, February 25, 2021

DCS, and many other organizations and individuals, have been fighting for over

January 25, 2021

The Game-Changing Biden Order You Haven’t Heard About

A directive about the regulatory process could lead to progressive movement on climate change, public health and worker safety.
By Kevin Robillard, HuffingtonPost, January 24, 2021

Read the order “Modernizing Regulatory Review”.

On his first day in office, President Joe

August 29, 2020

PA Attorney General’s Office Establishes a Fracking Hot-Line Directly to AG’s Office

Hot-Line Phone is 570-904-2643; Email is

Read more in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
PA Attorney General’s Fracking page

Fortunately, in Pennsylvania, there is a new option for households that want to have an impact on the fracking problem that …

July 9, 2020

Is This the End of New Pipelines?

Defeats at three projects reflect increasingly sophisticated legal challenges, shifting economics and growing demands by states to fight climate change
By Hiroko Tabuchi and Brad Plumer, New York Times, July 8, 2020

Protesters against the Dakota Access pipeline in early …

June 29, 2020

PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators

Report outlines health and safety issues caused by fracking and states PA DEP “repeatedly failed to exercise their duties and responsibilities.”
By Frank Kummer, The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 25, 2020

Read the press release from the Attorney General’s office

June 26, 2020

Goldman Sachs Says Renewable-Energy Spending Will Surpass Oil and Gas for the First Time Ever in 2021

Sees total investment spiking to $16 trillion over the next decade
By Ben Winck, Business Insider, June 17, 2020

Read about the financial troubles of US shale companies in the Financial Times.

  • Green-energy investing will account for 25% of all
March 29, 2020

YIKES! EPA Proposes Broad Science Restrictions in Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the agency is recklessly giving the public just 30 days to comment on this sweeping proposal to restrict the types of research that can be used in public health protection decisions and scientific
February 25, 2020

America’s Radioactive Secret

Oil-and-gas wells produce nearly a trillion gallons of toxic waste a year. An investigation shows how it could be making workers sick and contaminating communities across America.
By Justin Nobel, Rolling Stone, January 21, 2020

Rolling Stone’s Justin Nobel reports

November 13, 2019

PA Wants to Allow Dumping of Toxic Drilling Waste on an Unpaved Road Near You

Published this year by PennState Institute of Energy and Environment this map shows all the unpaved roads in Pennsylvania. You can zoom way in.

A multitude of anti-environment, pro-oil and gas industry bills are moving through the PA legislature. One …

October 18, 2019

NJ Turns Down Permits for Proposed 120-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline

The state’s Department of Environmental Protection has now closed multiple applications for the same pipeline
By Adam Hermann, PhillyVoice, October 12, 2019

Kudos to New Jersey and Governor Murphy for putting the health and welfare of residents (including the global

October 14, 2019

Loopholes for Polluters

The Oil and Gas Industry’s Exemptions to Major Environmental Laws
By Earthworks

The oil and gas industry is exempt from key provisions of seven major federal environmental laws — allowing practices that would otherwise be illegal. Some exemptions date back …

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