March 3, 2012

Local Governments: Rights and Powers Review

Mary Jo Long, Esq.


I am going to talk about the legal rights and powers of local government with respect to gas drilling in their communities. First, I am going to review 2 NY Court decisions that were made …

January 30, 2012


New York and Pennsylvania and A Sampling of Municipalities and Key
Organizations in Varied Locations Opposed to Hydrofrack Drilling

Compiled by Joe Hoff, Chairman of Keuka Citizens Against Hydrofracking As of January 29, 2012

View report as PDF.

New York

December 18, 2011

Report Government Fraud

Investigations Unit of the Legal Services Division

State Comptroller DiNapoli is working to find and fight fraud at every level of State and local government. The public’s help is needed in this fight. New Yorkers can report allegations of fraud, …

August 16, 2011

Delaware RiverKeeper, et al File Lawsuit

Delaware Riverkeeper Press Release

Groups File Suit Against Army Corps and Delaware River Basin Commission Over Gas Drilling Regulations; Lawsuit charges that an analysis must be completed and environmental impacts understood before drilling moves forward in the Delaware River Basin.

June 18, 2011

Health Secretary Wants Tabs on Shale: Seeks More Resources to See if Gas Drilling Poses a Health Risk

By Laura Olson, Post-Gazette Harrisburg Bureau

HARRISBURG — The state’s top health official said Friday that his agency needs resources to create a registry for tracking whether spikes in illnesses could be related to shale gas drilling.

That request by …

June 1, 2011

New York Attorney General Files Suit Against Federal Agencies

United States District Court, Eastern District of New York


United States Army Corps of Engineers,

United States Fish and Wildlife Service,

United States National Park Service, United States Department of Interior,

United States Environmental Protection Agency


State of …

February 26, 2011

Regulation Is Lax for Water from Gas Wells

By Ian Urbina, New York Times

The American landscape is dotted with hundreds of thousands of new wells and drilling rigs, as the country scrambles to tap into this century’s gold rush — for natural gas. The gas has always …

February 2, 2011

Hinchey, Holt Urge DRBC to Suspend Hydrofracking Rulemaking Process

Maurice Hinchey Press Release

Lawmakers Cite Previously Undisclosed Diesel Fuel Risks Detailed in New House Energy and Commerce Committee Report

Washington, DC – Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Congressman Rush Holt (NJ-12) today urged the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) …

February 1, 2011

Drillers Defend Injecting Diesel into the Ground

Tom Fowler, Houston Chronicle

Drilling companies injected more than 32 million gallons of fluids containing diesel into the ground during hydraulic fracturing operations from 2005 to 2009, according to federal lawmakers, but the industry says the practice was legal.

In …

January 31, 2011

Waxman, Markey, and DeGette Investigation Finds Continued Use of Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids

Committee on Energy and Commerce

Today Reps. Henry A. Waxman, Edward J. Markey, and Diana DeGette sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson regarding the results of an investigation into the use of diesel fuel in …

December 6, 2010

Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling

by Marie C. Baca

For more than two years, the natural gas drilling debate has focused primarily on the use of hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells. But expert testimony submitted for a government hearing next month challenges long-held assumptions …

September 16, 2010

NY DEC Information Requests

Prepared for: Independent Oil and Gas Association

By letter dated April 12, 2010, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
(DEC), Division of Mineral Resources, requested additional technical information from the
Independent Oil and Gas Association of New …

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